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Dn Had Me Fooled.......

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Man I was reading his blog and when he started explaining his key hands I was thoroughly confused. I was like how is this small ball? This is reckless tourney gambling that I thought Daniel played completely opposite too. I was already cut and pasting the hands to discuss how I thought he misplayed every single one of those hands when I came to the end and realized it was a joke. Man I was loosing all respect for DN's game line by line then I felt like a pilon ..........lolGook luck DN, keep chipping up

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Hahah that was probably the funniest thing ever on the blog. I was wondering how he is going to dominate with that level of play :club:

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He made a very weak bet of 1000 and I still felt like he had AA or KK, but also factored in the possibility that it was AK. The board was perfect for my hand. I was hoping for a 10, J, 6, or a 5 on the turn and I figured I’d be able to take this pot away by following through with two bets. Or, I could always hit a 4!The turn was actually a 5 and my opponent checked. I bet 2500, HOPING he would call. I know, I know, that seems ridiculous but it’s true. He wasn’t calling a big bet on the river, so calling the turn would be like a donation- he called. The river was a 9, he checked and I fired 10,000 at it. He thought about it for a second, so I decided to help him throw it away by saying, “Was it AA or KK? I was pretty sure it was one of those two?” As soon as I said that he mucked his AA.
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Man I enjoy DNs posts when he is talking like this (ie passionate about poker). Although he didn't lose me, for a few months there when it seemed to be more about golf than poker I was losing some interest.

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I suck at poker ... but even I was going, "What? Why would he do that? That doesn't make sense. " and re-reading the hands.I figured he was either being totally stupid ... or playing at a level so high I would never understand it. I suspected the former -- but for his sake, hoped for the latter.What a relief!

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