silkyjonson 1 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 Man I was reading his blog and when he started explaining his key hands I was thoroughly confused. I was like how is this small ball? This is reckless tourney gambling that I thought Daniel played completely opposite too. I was already cut and pasting the hands to discuss how I thought he misplayed every single one of those hands when I came to the end and realized it was a joke. Man I was loosing all respect for DN's game line by line then I felt like a pilon ..........lolGook luck DN, keep chipping up Link to post Share on other sites
cu in 4years Dan 1 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 yeah me too lol. i knew he was going to be playing super small-ball like 2.5 bb and im like he checked all-inned a 5 hi flush draw??? this is a new small-ball i have never heard of lol. Link to post Share on other sites
showstopper24 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 knew something was fishy when he said he was trying to get it all in preflop-at the ME at the WSOP he was playing post flop against the online players Link to post Share on other sites
Santzes 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 Hahah that was probably the funniest thing ever on the blog. I was wondering how he is going to dominate with that level of play Link to post Share on other sites
SweetDaddyFreak 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 I had just finished HoosierAlum's trip write-up and moved on to Daniel's and a couple hands in I was like "Wow, Hoosier played alot better than Daniel." Then....yeah.... Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 He made a very weak bet of 1000 and I still felt like he had AA or KK, but also factored in the possibility that it was AK. The board was perfect for my hand. I was hoping for a 10, J, 6, or a 5 on the turn and I figured I’d be able to take this pot away by following through with two bets. Or, I could always hit a 4!The turn was actually a 5 and my opponent checked. I bet 2500, HOPING he would call. I know, I know, that seems ridiculous but it’s true. He wasn’t calling a big bet on the river, so calling the turn would be like a donation- he called. The river was a 9, he checked and I fired 10,000 at it. He thought about it for a second, so I decided to help him throw it away by saying, “Was it AA or KK? I was pretty sure it was one of those two?” As soon as I said that he mucked his AA. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
stevel999 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 Man I enjoy DNs posts when he is talking like this (ie passionate about poker). Although he didn't lose me, for a few months there when it seemed to be more about golf than poker I was losing some interest. Link to post Share on other sites
rogerwilco 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 lol, that was funny. My first thoughts: Weird, even sicker plays by DN than usually, how can he be proud of playing like that? He must have stayed in the sun too long before the tourney started. Link to post Share on other sites
Buckshot 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 Yep, he got me good, I read that section 3 times in utter disbelief before I read further down and saw that I'd been had. Link to post Share on other sites
llou 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 I suck at poker ... but even I was going, "What? Why would he do that? That doesn't make sense. " and re-reading the hands.I figured he was either being totally stupid ... or playing at a level so high I would never understand it. I suspected the former -- but for his sake, hoped for the latter.What a relief! Link to post Share on other sites
exec771 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 He got me fooled i was almost abt to post here sayin tht man hes lucky... good for me I read the rest luv it how he takes out time to do stuff like that even in a big tourney.... Link to post Share on other sites
JnkPoker 0 Posted January 7, 2007 Share Posted January 7, 2007 Yea.. lmao... he had me fooled too... hahaha great stuff DN. Link to post Share on other sites
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