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I know the odds of a flush draw, but say there is 60 in the pot and I bet 60 into it...for whatever reason, semi bluff, etc..now someone reraises me. Do I count the money in there now or the money minus my bet, because I could potentially inflate the pot odds every time. Say BB with a4 suited and I hit my ace and 4 to a flush and I know someone has me outkicked or whatever, maybe a str8 or 2 pair....once I bet into the pot I make the odds pretty good...This is where the confusion lies.

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I believe you should count your bet as well. Yes, it may be "inflating" the pot odds, but the reason you bet out in the first place isn't because of pot odds, its because of all your outs (flush, plus probably pairing your kicker will win at least some of the time).So if you bet 60 into a pot of 60, there is now 120 in the pot. If he min raises you another 60 the pot is 240 and its only 60 for you to call and so you should. If he is smart and wants to chase out the flush draws, he will make a large bet, say 360, which makes the pot 480 and 300 more for you to call, so you'd have to fold if you go strictly by pot odds (which shouldn't always be the case).

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