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If You Have Full Tilt....

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Hey guys. I am still alive in the $25,000 guaranteed on Full Tilt. Qualified for $8.70. 1,518 people entered. We are down to just 21. I have made $163.94 so far. So come cheer me on! Tourney ID is 9979778. Thanks anyone who cheers me on!

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Thanks for the good luck, and you did not play that bad over all. In all honesty, I should have folded when you raised my A2 spades. Got luck this time. For those following this, on break 3. 18 players left, so money went up to $225.88.

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Yeah, I'm railing you though don't expect me to talk. Take it down and get the almost 7k, forget the 225. GL
Thanks. Getting low tho. Just over 50k and Blinds are that high. Going to have to just push and hopefully by some blinds quick.
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