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Tournament Bust Out

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I played in a live tournament today at the casino 90 dollar buy in. Anyways blinds are at 2k-4k i have 29k in chips, 98 entries. Its down to two tables, mine was 8 handed. I have KQ UTG, I just wanna pick up the blinds so I push all in, button thinks for a few seconds and announces call. He flips over 33. IN any case I flop a Q but he also makes a set, bye bye bye me. He had me by over what chip, did he make a good call? Was I gonna end up ****ed anyway with this hand if i just raised, should of I just thrown the hand away?Thoughts please and analysisFYI the guy who called was a Vietnamese guy, who also called a guys all in with A10 and outdrew the AK

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I played in a live tournament today at the casino 90 dollar buy in. Anyways blinds are at 2k-4k i have 29k in chips, 98 entries. Its down to two tables, mine was 8 handed. I have KQ UTG, I just wanna pick up the blinds so I push all in, button thinks for a few seconds and announces call. He flips over 33. IN any case I flop a Q but he also makes a set, bye bye bye me. He had me by over what chip, did he make a good call? Was I gonna end up ****ed anyway with this hand if i just raised, should of I just thrown the hand away?Thoughts please and analysisFYI the guy who called was a Vietnamese guy, who also called a guys all in with A10 and outdrew the AK
Probably an easy fold here.
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You made like 2 threads earlier this month about your rampant gambling problem. Get help, quit poker for awhile. Now for some kind of answer: what was your opponent's stack? What were the other stacks at the table? Your hand is impossible to evaluate without this information. However you have an M of <5, you probably have to push there. You lost a coinflip, realize that this is why you are upset about this hand. If you won the hand there is about zero chance you ask for insight on it.

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You made like 2 threads earlier this month about your rampant gambling problem. Get help, quit poker for awhile. Now for some kind of answer: what was your opponent's stack? What were the other stacks at the table? Your hand is impossible to evaluate without this information. However you have an M of <5, you probably have to push there. You lost a coinflip, realize that this is why you are upset about this hand. If you won the hand there is about zero chance you ask for insight on it.
Have to push UTG with 29k when he will have 23k and a full round after the blinds ?
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You made like 2 threads earlier this month about your rampant gambling problem. Get help, quit poker for awhile. Now for some kind of answer: what was your opponent's stack? What were the other stacks at the table? Your hand is impossible to evaluate without this information. However you have an M of <5, you probably have to push there. You lost a coinflip, realize that this is why you are upset about this hand. If you won the hand there is about zero chance you ask for insight on it.
he had me outchipped by 1k i had 29k, there were two shortstacks at the table who didnt have enough for the BB of 4k. Other than that id say the other stacks were probably at an avg of 12-18k. The guy who called me was chip leader at that table by 1k.
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he had me outchipped by 1k i had 29k, there were two shortstacks at the table who didnt have enough for the BB of 4k. Other than that id say the other stacks were probably at an avg of 12-18k. The guy who called me was chip leader at that table by 1k.
IMO this makes it a worse push.
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Have to push UTG with 29k when he will have 23k and a full round after the blinds ?
Impossible to say without knowing other stacks.
IMO this makes it a worse push.
I agree, looks like a fold or a limp.
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Impossible to say without knowing other stacks.I agree, looks like a fold or a limp.
Impossible to say without knowing the Payout Structure as well.Posting results is stupid if you want good analysis."He was Vietamese"oh...well, then...that changes everything. huh?you should troll less.
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