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Huge And Immediate Threat To Online Poker

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Here's the problem (as of this Friday):

As NROG reported earlier this week Sen Bill Frist is actively seeking to attach his online gambling ban to a new piece of legislation. NROG has been entrenched in D.C for the last several days and after a very late night last night and a rough morning we learned that his sights are back on the DoD bill. This after a clear outright refusal last week by Sen. Warner and Sen. Levin. In the last several hours, Frist has gained momentum on this fight after compromising on a carve out for the Horse Racing Industry. He is now vigorously trying to get this bill passed, by any means, before Congress breaks next week. His worst case scenario is to get passage during the Lame Duck session after elections but it seems now that this could happen sooner rather than later.The DoD bill will officially be released from conference Monday and be brought up for vote Wed/Thus of next week. Staffers are working through the weekend to get the support they need in for the attachment and passage.You need to mobilize now. It's a light day on the hill but offices are open CALL, EMAIL, YELL. Guys you need to let your voices be heard in grand scale today.I will continue to report back on this unfolding situation.www.saveonlinegaming.com We Need Your Support.Jay BaileyNROG
When you call your senator, you usually talk to an aide who will take note of your opinion and pass it along to the senator. It's nothing to be afraid of, and usually the calls take about 30 seconds. It's the least we can do to preserve our way of life. If you're reading this, you should be calling 1) Senator John W. WarnerWeb Site: warner.senate.govWashington Office:SR-225Washington, D.C. 20510-4601Phone: (202) 224-2023Fax: (202) 224-62952)Senator Carl LevinWeb Site: levin.senate.govWashington Office:SR-269Washington, D.C. 20510-2202Phone: (202) 224-6221Fax: (202) 224-1388 3) Your state's senators.Here's a script to use when calling:A couple of people have asked me what message to deliver to a Senator or represenative that you might be calling. After thinking about it some, this is what I have come up with.- I am a {Republican/Democratic} voter in your {state/district}. (I would only mention your party affiliation if it corresponds with that of the congressperson. If you are a veteran or reservist, or have a son/daughter/father/brother who serves in the military, I might also mention that.)- I oppose Senator Frist's effort to attach provisions on internet gambling to the Department of Defense Authorization bill.- Internet gambling is a complex issue that deserves to be debated before the full light of day in the Senate.- It is particularly inappropriate to attach extraneous language to a defense bill, where it jeopardizes pay raises for our troops in a time of war.- Congress should instead work to tax and regulate gambling over the Internet, as it does other forms of gambling like lotteries and horse racing.
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go away idiot
???????i dont always pick up on your sense of humor...but this really is serious-----go read the legislation forum on 2+2 if anyone wants to know more, things are looking brighter but we're not safe yet.
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???????i dont always pick up on your sense of humor...but this really is serious-----go read the legislation forum on 2+2 if anyone wants to know more, things are looking brighter but we're not safe yet.
yeah, he repsoted in General, and I "came around"But still don't like it in strategy.I"m not worried about thev legilation anyway.it won't be outlawed in long run.jsut taxed
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yeah, he repsoted in General, and I "came around"But still don't like it in strategy.I"m not worried about thev legilation anyway.it won't be outlawed in long run.jsut taxed
you don't think it will be outlawed on "moral grounds" I mean how can they say it is ok online but not in person? Don't get me wrong I hope it isn't but I don't share your optimistic view.
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