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Greg Raymer: Ignorance Through Assumed Martyrdom

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So I am being called ignorant because i believe that Raymer is NOT a "chameleon"? Greg Raymer is no chameleon, sure he may not bet his big hands the same everytime, he may even mix it up by throwing a check in there LMAO. But he is NO WAY, NO HOW constantly mixing his game up. Also, I stated that he is not called "Fossilman" bc he plays like a rock, but that is why he SHOULD be called "Fossilman". Nonetheless, your ignorance is also displayed when you maintain your uprighteousness by simply telling us all that we have no concept of poker because we have not won main events. Ditto my friend... Enough blamming, it makes me sick.PS: Chris Moneymaker is a millionaire... Should we take notes from him? Your ignorance is also forgiven.

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This thread is getting out of hand. My intentions weren't to start endless petty bickering, however, it seems unavoidable when you merely express an obviously unpopular view. Is there any way of taking this down?

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He IS entitled to his opinion :club: Newayz, about Greg Raymer. When he won the WPT he even stated that he was not a pro. He said he has a lot to learn and he lucked out but just kept his mentality straight. So for everyone trying to say he's a pro, look up his background. The only tournaments he had really played before he won the WPT were satellites from Poker Stars. I'm not saying he's a BAD player, obviously he's not he won the biggest poker tournament there is, BUT even he admits that he is not at the same level as the elite.

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He IS entitled to his opinion :club: Newayz, about Greg Raymer. When he won the WPT he even stated that he was not a pro. He said he has a lot to learn and he lucked out but just kept his mentality straight. So for everyone trying to say he's a pro, look up his background. The only tournaments he had really played before he won the WPT were satellites from Poker Stars. I'm not saying he's a BAD player, obviously he's not he won the biggest poker tournament there is, BUT even he admits that he is not at the same level as the elite.
Absolutely wrong. He was a well established tourney player at Foxwoods for years. He wasnt a pro...he worked too...thats called having resposnsibilities. His followup performance to his WSOP win proved he was no fluke.Same level as the elite? Of course not. Neither is DN yet.
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I cannot wait to start up a thread about this poker player someone might know, his name is Greg Raymer. I don't think we talk about him enough around here. See this one night he ran his mouth, then someone heard it. We laughed and now there is a bajillion threads to talk about it and I was just wondering how many more we can make???Any ideas on the over/under for that?

You facist. I was only giving my opinion. I'm not worried about this. I have no personal investment in this whatsoever. I wrote, simply, a statement of opinion. Give me a break.
its all good homey I got your back......stop making fun of him!there now everything is better
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