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> I don't really know what you mean here . . . I am > a Christian . . . what exactly do you mean by "you people"?That's why I put it in quotes. > I don't remember him saying exactly how his conversation went. > Maybe she just mentioned church in passing. Ever think of that?Ever think it didn't happen like that? > This is where you lose me my friend. A christian's (or anyone's)> life is based on making decisions . . . not judgements. If ALL decisions in life were based on hard data, I'd agree. Almost all decisions about human relations rely on judgement. Judgement is not just a single act, it's a process ... an analysis. > You mentioned Free Will in another response. Free Will is not the same as > making judgments. Free Will is the ability to make decisions (mainly > whether you believe in GOD or not). Free Will allows you to be judgmental > if you wish . . . that's why it's Free Will . . . but that does not mean it > is "right" in GOD's eyes to be judgemental. The scripture says do not > judge lest ye be judged. This doesn't say it's OK to judge as long as > you know you will be judged as well by your fellow man. This is saying > do not judge because you (man) do not have the right to judge because > you (man) are all sinners in my (GOD's) eyes. I think YOUR interpretation > is a little off.I don't see that you disagree with me all that much. I as much as said that earthly judgements are made by flawed men. The verse is a warning for people to understand that. > No it's not . . . lol. If you understood what I actually mean by the bolded > statement then it makes perfect sense from a Christian persepctive. You're assuming that either a) I agree with you, or b.) you're correct. > If he tells her that he does not believe in GOD and she "judges"him then > she has committed a sin. "Your a terrible person, I can't believe you don't > believe in GOD". However if she is a true Christian it may be something > like this, "I don't agree with your perspective, but I respect your views> . . . let's talk". There is a big difference there.That is EXACTLY what I'm trying to get at. Christianity is about love, understanding, and outreach. Maybe you snipped all that out. Maybe it was in another post. Maybe I'm not communicating well. (I am a Christian . . . I have a lot of friends that are not. I have a friend that is homosexual. I have multiple friends that are atheist or undecided. I DO NOT JUDGE THEM BASED ON THERE DECISIONS . . . FREE WILL. Does this mean that I agree with them . . . NO!!! I tell them . . . I do not agree with you and this is why. But the big difference is I know that they will be judged by someone other than my (my belief) so I have no right to judge them and I accept them for who they are. MY WHOLE POINT IS THAT IF SHE IS A CHRISTIAN, AND SHE LIKES HIM, SHE WILL ACCEPT HIM FOR WHO HE IS AND WILL NOT JUDGE HIM FOR THE FACT THAT HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD . . . PERIOD!)Acceptance does not equal acquiescence to a relationship. The OP senses this strongly. Thus, his post. He's trying to find an "out." This has been my second point all along. Again, probably not communicating well. >> It's fine if the OP wants to have a relationship with a woman >> who believes the same things he does. In the end, this chasm >> in belief will result in pain for more than the OP and this girl. >> That's the way life is.> You are a sad individual if you think two people from different > view points can't get along. Wow you must love your life in your > little bubble of a world . . . all by yourself. These personal attacks get monotonous. > So according to your> logic, since they have two different views, then they will never > get along and shouldn't even try. WOW. Read again. I said it's unlikely. I also said that HE'S the hypocrite if it all works out and he agrees to get married in a church, etc. etc. etc. Read again. > How lonely are you. Yawn. > Good luck finding someone who agrees with you on everything . . . Dude ... <sigh>> you'll never find it . . . but good luck. Like I said . . . I am a > ChrisitanI can tell. > . . . I get along with my non-christian friends just fine. > I have known some of them for over 25 years. Guess what . . . > I also have firends that are happily married where one is a > christian and one isn't. I guess I need to tell them that they > are wrong and go ahead and get divorced now . . . LOL. <sigh>Please don't respond.

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Well, there's always this blast: "When you first replied in this thread, I thought you were just bitter. Clearly, you're stupid too."**** you. I bet you STILL haven't talked to her about it. That's all.
"I told him to be honest when the topic comes up."The topic DID come up. He dodged. How do you get to the point of really liking someone without basic conversation? You like ice cream? I love ice cream!You like movies? I love movies!You read books? I love books!You like hiking? I love hiking!I go to church? < crickets >
When you first replied in this thread, I thought you were just bitter. Clearly, you're stupid too.First, I think I made it pretty clear originally that she mentioned she was going to church, and no further discussion even remotely related to religion has taken place. There was no dancing around of the issue... many people go to church, and I'd say the majority of them don't keep religion as a central aspect of their lives. There was no "obvious" statement of her beliefs as you believe. This super-secret research that you claim I've done came from a place that any of you could go if you simply know someone's name... it's a friggin Myspace profile full of bible quotes and other religious references. In fact, I haven't even seen her since happened, because she's been out of town. So that clears up about 75% of your post... no religious discussion ever took place, no religious discussion was avoided, no beliefs were hidden.Next, you say I'm trying to keep my beliefs quiet until I get into her pants... if you'll notice, just a few posts above yours, I responded to a question about the same thing and said that I'm not just trying to get her in bed.And finally, the reason I asked the question is because i DON'T know how she'll respond. Fortunately, all christians aren't as close-minded as you, so I know that there's a possibility that what she thinks of me and how I treat her is more important than my religion.
I think from now on, I'll just respond to your posts with quotes from above, since all of your questions have already been answered.
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> I don't really know what you mean here . . . I am > a Christian . . . what exactly do you mean by "you people"?That's why I put it in quotes. > I don't remember him saying exactly how his conversation went. > Maybe she just mentioned church in passing. Ever think of that?Ever think it didn't happen like that? > This is where you lose me my friend. A christian's (or anyone's)> life is based on making decisions . . . not judgements. If ALL decisions in life were based on hard data, I'd agree. Almost all decisions about human relations rely on judgement. Judgement is not just a single act, it's a process ... an analysis. > You mentioned Free Will in another response. Free Will is not the same as > making judgments. Free Will is the ability to make decisions (mainly > whether you believe in GOD or not). Free Will allows you to be judgmental > if you wish . . . that's why it's Free Will . . . but that does not mean it > is "right" in GOD's eyes to be judgemental. The scripture says do not > judge lest ye be judged. This doesn't say it's OK to judge as long as > you know you will be judged as well by your fellow man. This is saying > do not judge because you (man) do not have the right to judge because > you (man) are all sinners in my (GOD's) eyes. I think YOUR interpretation > is a little off.I don't see that you disagree with me all that much. I as much as said that earthly judgements are made by flawed men. The verse is a warning for people to understand that. > No it's not . . . lol. If you understood what I actually mean by the bolded > statement then it makes perfect sense from a Christian persepctive. You're assuming that either a) I agree with you, or b.) you're correct. > If he tells her that he does not believe in GOD and she "judges"him then > she has committed a sin. "Your a terrible person, I can't believe you don't > believe in GOD". However if she is a true Christian it may be something > like this, "I don't agree with your perspective, but I respect your views> . . . let's talk". There is a big difference there.That is EXACTLY what I'm trying to get at. Christianity is about love, understanding, and outreach. Maybe you snipped all that out. Maybe it was in another post. Maybe I'm not communicating well. (I am a Christian . . . I have a lot of friends that are not. I have a friend that is homosexual. I have multiple friends that are atheist or undecided. I DO NOT JUDGE THEM BASED ON THERE DECISIONS . . . FREE WILL. Does this mean that I agree with them . . . NO!!! I tell them . . . I do not agree with you and this is why. But the big difference is I know that they will be judged by someone other than my (my belief) so I have no right to judge them and I accept them for who they are. MY WHOLE POINT IS THAT IF SHE IS A CHRISTIAN, AND SHE LIKES HIM, SHE WILL ACCEPT HIM FOR WHO HE IS AND WILL NOT JUDGE HIM FOR THE FACT THAT HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GOD . . . PERIOD!)Acceptance does not equal acquiescence to a relationship. The OP senses this strongly. Thus, his post. He's trying to find an "out." This has been my second point all along. Again, probably not communicating well. >> It's fine if the OP wants to have a relationship with a woman >> who believes the same things he does. In the end, this chasm >> in belief will result in pain for more than the OP and this girl. >> That's the way life is.> You are a sad individual if you think two people from different > view points can't get along. Wow you must love your life in your > little bubble of a world . . . all by yourself. These personal attacks get monotonous. > So according to your> logic, since they have two different views, then they will never > get along and shouldn't even try. WOW. Read again. I said it's unlikely. I also said that HE'S the hypocrite if it all works out and he agrees to get married in a church, etc. etc. etc. Read again. > How lonely are you. Yawn. > Good luck finding someone who agrees with you on everything . . . Dude ... <sigh>> you'll never find it . . . but good luck. Like I said . . . I am a > ChrisitanI can tell. > . . . I get along with my non-christian friends just fine. > I have known some of them for over 25 years. Guess what . . . > I also have firends that are happily married where one is a > christian and one isn't. I guess I need to tell them that they > are wrong and go ahead and get divorced now . . . LOL. <sigh>Please don't respond.
Obviously I am being purposely overdramatic. But maybe you are coming off in a way your not meaning to. Personal attacks are not really intended. I was just trying to get my point across. Sorry if I came across wrong as well.
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Obviously I am being purposely overdramatic. But maybe you are coming off in a way your not meaning to. Personal attacks are not really intended. I was just trying to get my point across. Sorry if I came across wrong as well.
Thanks for that.
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