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Reality Of 'god'

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you have to realize that most of the world will never believe what you believe no matter what, so in most public situations your fundamentalist christian rhetoric is more likely to inflame than convert. look at what pat robertson's comments have done for the christian public image - set it back a few years i'd say. when you say things like non-christians are the devil's territory you are just inciting discord, as well as giving your critics ammo.
Look at the chaos currently going on throughout the world in places that are not predominitely christian. God is looking the other way or he's angry, he most definitely is not helping. Matt already tried to convert with the smooth and the easy- didn't work, and I am not that guy. I am about truth, and only that. Anything else is a waste of time- if I don't bother to get it right I might as well just live it up. There is no halfway with God.
its really interesting to hear you speak for me lois. funny how just like your lack of understanding of the bible you fail to understand me. When you feel like being up to date with anything let me know
I know you because I know your type. Up to date? God doesn't change, the deceptions just get smoother. Your caught up in it. Nothing I can do.
Look at the chaos currently going on throughout the world in places that are not predominitely christian. God is looking the other way or he's angry, he most definitely is not helping. Matt already tried to convert with the smooth and the easy- didn't work, and I am not that guy. I am about truth, and only that. Anything else is a waste of time- if I don't bother to get it right I might as well just live it up. There is no halfway with God. I know you because I know your type. Up to date? God doesn't change, the deceptions just get smoother. Your caught up in it. Nothing I can do.
Oh. and just to put this out there, Pat Robertson is not a christian.
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If you dont know I would like to share that I am a combat veteran who served in OIF... And while I was in Iraq aka mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers I really began to think about religion and god in general...And let me tell you there is no justice in who dies and who doesnt... God will not bring your soldier back...god will not bring your enemys friends back... how many people did the terrorists kill on 9/11 3000? my unit killed 7-12k in Iraq the first night (multiple launch rocket systems) and let me tell you those people prayed just like everyone else... "If god be for us, then who can be against us?"I just want a discussion into how it is possible to believe in something that has no explanation at all...that was founded on a story that was handed down for generations before it was written? God doesnt help anyone win a game or get drafted higher. or win an emmy but thats all you hear...thank you jesus (god) so where is god when you live and your friend gets shot and he prays everyday and I have my doubts... this is my question to you... are you any more or less a person if you dont believe in "god"where is the justice... dont take this lightly...but it has merit that only the good die young... I may be rambling here...but I can tell you if there is no justice from "someone you love" who shows no love back? were the people in NO any less religious than those in whichita kansas? Just from a war veteran I can tell you I have seen far too many things to make me have faith anymore
Thank you for your serviceCol Jim Shoenhard, USAF
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Thank you both.On a slightly side note...wasn't the quote, "There are no atheists in fox holes" brought around during the WWI era?Or was that quote from the Civil war?Regardless, I think it's an interesting thought.- Jordan

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Thank you both.On a slightly side note...wasn't the quote, "There are no atheists in fox holes" brought around during the WWI era?Or was that quote from the Civil war?Regardless, I think it's an interesting thought.- Jordan
I was thinking about that today- I am not sure when it came about.
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Thank you both.On a slightly side note...wasn't the quote, "There are no atheists in fox holes" brought around during the WWI era?Or was that quote from the Civil war?Regardless, I think it's an interesting thought.- Jordan
And arabs that don't believe in 72 virgins dont blow themselves up.
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Nevermind, I think I just misunderstood the quote at first. I thought it meant that only people who believed in heaven would go in the foxholes. I know see that it means that once in, atheisists would begin their god fearing....I think.
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Nevermind, I think I just misunderstood the quote at first. I thought it meant that only people who believed in heaven would go in the foxholes. I know see that it means that once in, atheisists would begin their god fearing....I think.
actually, in my experience, the opposite came about. I was a god fearing man, and then the war took place, and thats when the questions started mounting.
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Nevermind, I think I just misunderstood the quote at first. I thought it meant that only people who believed in heaven would go in the foxholes. I know see that it means that once in, atheisists would begin their god fearing....I think.
That may be one reason for the (absurd) quote, but I think a main one is that a lot of people like to cling to the thought that believing in god makes someone stronger or have more will power etc. So I think a lot of people would like to think that doing something like fighting for our country or being president requires faith.Or it could just be saying that atheists are all liberal ultrapacifist hippies who would never set foot into a foxhole. Who knows.
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That may be one reason for the (absurd) quote, but I think a main one is that a lot of people like to cling to the thought that believing in god makes someone stronger or have more will power etc. So I think a lot of people would like to think that doing something like fighting for our country or being president requires faith.Or it could just be saying that atheists are all liberal ultrapacifist hippies who would never set foot into a foxhole. Who knows.
I don't understand why you are correlating atheism and liberals. If anything, democrats tie into the teachings of Jesus more so than republicans. God does empower people that believe He can. I've seen it first hand and before I ever witnessed it, I was skeptical. It really is a powerful thing to see someone healed, or be healed yourself. It's beyong explanation and something I can't comprehend myself.- Jordan
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I don't understand why you are correlating atheism and liberals. If anything, democrats tie into the teachings of Jesus more so than republicans.
The population of atheists is clearly disproportionately liberal, especially socially.That democrats tie into the teachings of jesus has nothing to do with anything...
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I don't understand why you are correlating atheism and liberals. If anything, democrats tie into the teachings of Jesus more so than republicans. God does empower people that believe He can. I've seen it first hand and before I ever witnessed it, I was skeptical. It really is a powerful thing to see someone healed, or be healed yourself. It's beyong explanation and something I can't comprehend myself.- Jordan
I do think that faith can inspire certain people, but I also think that there are plenty of aethists that don't need that mental cruch for inspiration. Also, I think it works the other way for both believers and non-believers.ANd I do believe in spiritual healing to a certain extent. Though I think it has to do with the individuals on mindset and energy - and is strongly correlated to theoretical physics that we don't yet understand - and not god.
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I do think that faith can inspire certain people, but I also think that there are plenty of aethists that don't need that mental cruch for inspiration. Also, I think it works the other way for both believers and non-believers.ANd I do believe in spiritual healing to a certain extent. Though I think it has to do with the individuals on mindset and energy - and is strongly correlated to theoretical physics that we don't yet understand - and not god.
No way it's God. As much as Jordans belief is based on emotion or feeling- so are yours.
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No way it's God. As much as Jordans belief is based on emotion or feeling- so are yours.
You're right, there's no way God selectively heals some and not others...wait, here comes that divine, to big/tricky for our feeble minds master plan thing again.And I was not disagreeing with what Jordan said. Positive feelings and good energy/vibes (which can be brought on by a strong belief in faith as well as other factors), are proven to help heal sick people. I don't believe that this is the work of god - and I don't think Jordan was getting at that - but rather the energy that surrounds the sick individual, be it emotions, pure thought, outside thought, or even other energy sources such as magnetic fields or sound waves.
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You're right, there's no way God selectively heals some and not others...wait, here comes that divine, to big/tricky for our feeble minds master plan thing again.And I was not disagreeing with what Jordan said. Positive feelings and good energy/vibes (which can be brought on by a strong belief in faith as well as other factors), are proven to help heal sick people. I don't believe that this is the work of god - and I don't think Jordan was getting at that - but rather the energy that surrounds the sick individual, be it emotions, pure thought, outside thought, or even other energy sources such as magnetic fields or sound waves.
I think personally that it is all in the mind, your brain has the power to do amazing things, and can be wooed enough by faith, energy, whatever you truly believe to fix not only your body, but spirit as well... Someone is definitely right in this topic, the question is who?
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You're right, there's no way God selectively heals some and not others...wait, here comes that divine, to big/tricky for our feeble minds master plan thing again.And I was not disagreeing with what Jordan said. Positive feelings and good energy/vibes (which can be brought on by a strong belief in faith as well as other factors), are proven to help heal sick people. I don't believe that this is the work of god - and I don't think Jordan was getting at that - but rather the energy that surrounds the sick individual, be it emotions, pure thought, outside thought, or even other energy sources such as magnetic fields or sound waves.
Umm, Jordan was talking about God. Specifically. Reread his post.
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What else would he do?Make a logically coherent point?ROFLWTF?
Quite frankly, I seriously doubt your ability to comprehend and develop analysis on any sort of line of thinking. I will excercise my right to ignore you.
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Quite frankly, I seriously doubt your ability to comprehend and develop analysis on any sort of line of thinking. I will excercise my right to ignore you.
ok... it was supposed to be a discussion
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Hot Bacon is a nincompoop. No disrespect or nothing.
meh if thats how you feel... then maybe we should discuss the issues at hand then... why is Hot Bacon a ...'nincompoop'? Just out of curiosity?
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