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Just Got Done Listening To The Circuit

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I heard JohnnyBax and Sheets talking about the site www.pokerxfactor.comJust wondering if anyone on FCP is a subscriber, and if they are happy with the info it provides.

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I am and am very pleased. Not only are Bax and Sheets completely kickass at poker, they're awesome teachers as well. Some advice is pretty basic ("Fold ace rags immediately") while other stuff is pretty deep (Sheets on "tactical vs strategical advantage" perhaps). Something for everyone in other words. The whole thing feels very beta but they've shown a strong commitment to constantly improve and are pretty open to feedback. Their replayer is very sweet and the driving force (other than Sheets/Bax) behind the site. Within 24 hours of signing up I'd won another $22 180 on Stars after a rough downswing, essentially paying the entire cost of subscription (and then some)... PXF did not make me a winning player, did not radically change my game, but it's the little things that added up and I do think it made a difference when it came time to play. I look forward to seeing how my play evolves under their virtual tutelage.

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Yeah, it's definitely pretty steep to subscribe. The best part about this site in my opinion though is that supposedly you can look at the cards of Bax or Sheets throughout the entirety of a tournament from start to finish. This would be priceless, imo.

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Yeah, it's definitely pretty steep to subscribe. The best part about this site in my opinion though is that supposedly you can look at the cards of Bax or Sheets throughout the entirety of a tournament from start to finish. This would be priceless, imo.
Not expensive compared to what else is out there. Also, not only do they post many hand histories of entire MTT or SnG wins, they also posts videos of those hands with audio explaining why they did what they did. Invaluable.
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