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Ep Raise And Reraise...

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I'm not sure exactly where you would put a cutoff. VPIP isn't quite as important as PFR as i play with a gentlemen quite often who has a VPIP of ~30% but his PFR is only 3% and i give his raises respect above all others. I guess what we'd have to figure out is a guideline for pre flop raise percentage and a corresponding number of hands.I believe the gentlemen with the 3% PFR has only raised with AA or KK.In the situation you described i think if both players even showed a PFR% of 7/6 then it might be borderline. That statement however is just a guess and i think we'd need players of varying percentages to post the hands they raise with and then we'd have an excellent idea of the number you seek.

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I guess another issue is, how large of a hand sample do you need to feel confident about something like that.a 30/2/0.25 after 100 hands probably isnt 3betting with less than queens. But an 8/2/2.5 after 50 hands may just be cold decked, and could often be making it 3 with 99+ and AQ+.

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I would say you are accurate with a 100+ hand sample. You do raise an interesting point with the cold deck situation however.No matter what their stats say, if they are steaming from a big hit they just took....i don't think i'm laying down AK PF when they could just be going crazy with a much weaker hand than they normally play.

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a 30/2/0.25 after 100 hands probably isnt 3betting.........
there's no telling what a 30/2/0.25 3 bets with.He's "probably" not 3-betting any handsIn actuallity, he 3 bets 83 off because it's his dogs birthday.seriously.quit trying to put a formula to it.I haven't felt the need to fold AK preflop to two cold yet.
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And you're in mid-late position with AKoff.Suprisingly, this hasnt come up before for me. What are the limits of the stats (vpip/pfr) that the PFR and RR must have before you'll fold?
i'd consider folding if i had a relatively large sample and both had a PFR of around 5%.
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i'd consider folding if i had a relatively large sample and both had a PFR of around 5%.
I'm with Actuary.As long as we're all still talking about low stakes poker here, I think folding AK to two with position is pretty extreme without a very, very, very convincing read.Like, as in, it's your grandma who put in the second raise. And she's in the same room as you. And you can see her cards.
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