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qj suited 3/6 6max

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Calling 3/6 six my home for a while as Smash suggested.It's been trying as I swing up and down $100 every 30 minutes but I'm starting to get better about it emotionally.Villain is a bit shifty and makes some weird plays, but he's not overly aggressive or passive.Is my line on the turn okay? Why or why not?Ultimate Bet 3/6 Hold'em (6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is CO with Q:heart:, J:heart:. 1 fold, BB calls, MP calls.Flop: (6.33 SB) T:club:, 9:spade:, 4:diamond: (3 players)BB checks, MP checks, Hero bets, BB calls, MP folds.Turn: (4.16 BB) T:club:, 9:spade:, 4:diamond: T:spade: (2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.River: (4.16 BB) T:club:, 9:spade:, 4:diamond: T:spade: 9:club:(2 players)BB bets, Hero folds.Final Pot: 5.16 BB

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I think I'd go ahead and bet/call the turn and check behind (or fold if bet into) on the river if I missed.Jeff
But our hand doesn't really have showdown value at all if we don't hit our outs.We could be walking into a c/r, I think we should take the free card to improve.
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I would be more inclined to check with a hand that had some sd value. That T pairing is good for you in the sense that it will deter another loose peel with an overcard, and really makes it difficult for villian to c/r you as a semi-bluff. You're getting 4:1 on your bluff, and that seems about right for how often you take this down. Plus, you have enough outs to fall back on if you are called, and may even end up winning at sd vs a lower straight draw.

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Bet the turn. Continued aggression often lets you take down the pot as most will peel the flop with any 2 almost, so betting the turn will often get 2 overcards out of the pot, and you still have outs with your Q and J, as well as the straight draw.

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But our hand doesn't really have showdown value at all if we don't hit our outs.
True, but I'm not betting for showdown value. I'm betting for fold equity plus our pot equity. Even if we don't have the best hand (which is possible), we have plenty of outs even if he has a monster.
We could be walking into a c/r, I think we should take the free card to improve.
I actually don't mind getting c/r'ed here since we have outs. More likely the villain just peeled the flop with any two and will fold the turn.Jeff
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You HAVE to raise here. It is amazing what people will call the flop with. You have a good chance of having the best hand here, you have a good chance of making Ax fold here, and you have all sorts of outs if the villian gets all silly.

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The flop had no flush draws and it's not as likely he has a straight draw given my holding, so I figured he must have paired on the flop some way, that's why I checked behind on the turn. I guess I should have bet it though?

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The flop had no flush draws and it's not as likely he has a straight draw given my holding, so I figured he must have paired on the flop some way, that's why I checked behind on the turn.  I guess I should have bet it though?
Yeah. People peel with all kinds of funny shit. Even some of the seemingly good players peel with Ace-little hands here.It's unbelievable how many times I've seen people peel with undercards (not pairs) with no draws besides bd ones in HU pots.
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