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collusion refund

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I have most of my poker money on Stars, but I have a few bucks on UB. I was bored one night and registered for a 10 person $1.10 SNG for poops and giggles. It gets down to the last 4 and I am all in againt the 2 chip leaders. One of them says, "Check it down?" to the other player. They do, and I am out. I reported them, and just got an email back from support and they said that the two people were colluding and disciplinary actions will be taken. They were also kind enough to refund the $1.10. I'm rich!!!

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Checking it down is what they should do. They shouldn't need to communicate to do so. Maybe it becomes collusion since they discussed.

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I have most of my poker money on Stars, but I have a few bucks on UB.  I was bored one night and registered for a 10 person $1.10 SNG for poops and giggles.  It gets down to the last 4 and I am all in againt the 2 chip leaders.  One of them says, "Check it down?" to the other player.  They do, and I am out.  I reported them, and just got an email back from support and they said that the two people were colluding and disciplinary actions will be taken.  They were also kind enough to refund the $1.10.  I'm rich!!!
If you can get them to do it again, you can upgrade from a Dunkin Donuts kiddie cup to a full-blown medium.On a less relevant note, please keep reporting those swine. For those of us whose skills take us no further than the bubble, the threat of collusion is a glaring obstacle to our ultimate goal of breaking even.
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Checking it down is what they should do.  They shouldn't need to communicate to do so.  Maybe it becomes collusion since they discussed.
I totally agree with you, it is however a 1.10 sng, perhaps that was the problem.
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I wasn't bragging about it. It's $1.10.I was simply stating the fact that I got some punks busted for collusion. Yes, you check it down in that spot, but when you verbally ask the other player to check it down, then it's collusion.

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This is a pretty mild form of collusion as far as collusion goes, but I guess I support any action taken against collusion. It's very possible that those people didn't realize that such statements were inappropriate. I wish people were more aware of the rules of poker so I could feel better about punishing any and all forms of collusion.

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I wasn't bragging about it. It's $1.10.I was simply stating the fact that I got some punks busted for collusion.  Yes, you check it down in that spot, but when you verbally ask the other player to check it down, then it's collusion.
you took the time to email a complaint about $1.10?
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
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All the people who think this "isn't collusion," or it's "not so bad," are the same dudes who would collude if given the chance. The fact that it was only for $1.10 is irrelevant. 2 players verbally schemed to get OP out of the tournament; that IS COLLUSION. Way to go OP.

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I wasn't bragging about it. It's $1.10.I was simply stating the fact that I got some punks busted for collusion.  Yes, you check it down in that spot, but when you verbally ask the other player to check it down, then it's collusion.
you took the time to email a complaint about $1.10?
You should take the time to read. I didn't email them looking for a refund, I could care less about the money. I just wanted something to happen to these two players.
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
i have 1/5 you're asking for.
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All the people who think this "isn't collusion," or it's "not so bad," are the same dudes who would collude if given the chance.  The fact that it was only for $1.10 is irrelevant.  2 players verbally schemed to get OP out of the tournament; that IS COLLUSION.  Way to go OP.
In actuality, checking it down on the bubble with a player all-in is good poker, it's not collusion. Maybe the fact that they communicated about it makes it bad, but I have no problem with two people checking it down in that spot.
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
i have 1/5 you're asking for.
I assume it's the bank account number. You can post it here or send me a PM.
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
i have 1/5 you're asking for.
I assume it's the bank account number. You can post it here or send me a PM.
social security number, I got a DUI so I don't have my license back yet, I wrote a lot of bad checks and had my bank account canceled, see previous, credit card was canceled also due to non payment.
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
i have 1/5 you're asking for.
I assume it's the bank account number. You can post it here or send me a PM.
social security number, I got a DUI so I don't have my license back yet, I wrote a lot of bad checks and had my bank account canceled, see previous, credit card was canceled also due to non payment.
I guess I can't get you the money then. Was $2 the exact amount you needed to hold off the mob for another six weeks?
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Way to be a nit. You could have just asked me for a couple bucks if you really needed it.
can I get a couple bucks?
Of course. I'll have to transfer it directly from my bank account to yours though because I don't have any money on Stars. I'm going to need a copy of your drivers license, bank account number, social security number, atm pin, and credit card number.
i have 1/5 you're asking for.
I assume it's the bank account number. You can post it here or send me a PM.
social security number, I got a DUI so I don't have my license back yet, I wrote a lot of bad checks and had my bank account canceled, see previous, credit card was canceled also due to non payment.
I guess I can't get you the money then. Was $2 the exact amount you needed to hold off the mob for another six weeks?
no it was to be put into Keep Allinbluff35's electricity on fund because as opposed to popular belief, hell is rather cold this time of year.
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i dont think that this is really collusion and i think it was a bunk move by you and even more bunk that you brag about here.
Several months ago, this came up in a discussion on this forum. It's cheating but several posters claimed it wasn't. I had a question for PokerStars support and asked this question as well. This is why PStars has the best support IMHO. Here is what PStars says about the situation:Your second question is an excellent question, and it regards an issue I would like to put to rest once and for all.When there are three players left in a tournament, and one disconnects, it is actually pretty solid strategy to "blind out" the opponent. It's unfortunate that this occurs, but connectivity issues are an equally unfortunate reality to internet gaming. However, this "strategy" needs to be implemented without encouragement. Let me explain further, and give you a contrasting example: When a tournament reaches a "bubble" stage and one player goes all-in, if there are two "live" players involved in the pot; it is also good strategy for both live players to check the hand down to the river. This is usually the proper equity play in tournaments, as elimination is a key to getting paid. This is no doubt a collusive action by the two live players, but this is not illegal. This is what can be referred to as "implicit collusion". There are several forms of implicit collusion in poker, but these are tactical instances of collusion, and are done so without communication of any kind. It's just two players taking advantage of a situation, without explicitly agreeing to this behavior. As you might know, when someone bets into a dry pot in the above scenario, it usually upsets the other players on the bubble, but it is just that possibility of future action that makes this play legal.Keeping this in mind, we now can look at the situation that you described in your inquiry. When a player is disconnected, and if the live players simply react to the situation by checking and folding until the disconnected player blinds out; there is nothing wrong with that. In your specific scenario, you mentioned that "someone will type in the chat window asking to blind out the person sitting out". The moment that this chat occurs, we have a violation of the rules. What was previously implicit collusion, has now become "explicit", and is grounds for disqualification. If both players pursue this conversation, then they can both be disqualified. It is simply unfair to the disconnected player if there is a strategic(preemptive)agreement between the two live players. In fact, any strategic agreement between players would be considered a de facto instance of collusion. There really is no gray area here, and as soon as player's discuss or even mention the strategy of blinding out the disconnected player; they are guilty of the most egregious crime in poker, which is collusion. This occurred to me several times when I was a player here, although I never was the victim of the disconnection. Several times I had players "ask" if I wanted to blind out the sitting out player. Of course I wanted to, but I also knew better than to type "yes" in chat. I simply stopped chatting, and hoped my opponent would follow my lead of checking and folding. However, this seemed to happen more frequently on the bubble, where there were 4 players left in a single table SnG. There were several times that two other players agreed explicitly to blind the player out, and again, I stayed silent which always encouraged their anger towards me. However, players have a responsibility to "protect the field", and I would never be complicit in a situation like this. I always contacted support, and the issue was handled exactly like it should have been. Even though I wasn't the victim, I still felt a responsibility to protect the sitting out player, while at the same time trying to eliminate him. For our part, if tournaments are material affected by this type of chat, we will hold the particpants of the chat responsible, and they are very likely to be disqualified (in the least). I hope that my response will be useful to you, and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to ask about this subject.If you have any further questions about this or any other matter, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck to you, than thank you for choosing PokerStars.Regards,RandyPokerStars Support Team
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In actuality, checking it down on the bubble with a player all-in is good poker, it's not collusion.  Maybe the fact that they communicated about it makes it bad, but I have no problem with two people checking it down in that spot.
Bull. The fact that checking down happens to be mutually beneficial most of the time does not cloud the issue. Players must decide independently what is in their best interest on every street. Deciding beforehand that you positively will not open a side pot no matter what comes on the board is pretty suspect in itself; communicating that plan to an opponent while the hand is live is plainly collusion. It's the equivalent of coming over the top of a shortstack's all-in and saying "let me take care of this one, I have a very good hand" and everyone behind him nodding and folding without looking at their cards. In general the strategy may be of mutual benefit and happen naturally, but the verbal premeditation makes it collusion. No "maybe".
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In actuality, checking it down on the bubble with a player all-in is good poker, it's not collusion.
I'm not disputing that this is the right play, or "good poker." What makes it collusion is when they start talking about it. When player 1 says to player 2, "hey, let's just check this one down so we can elimiate the other player." That is when they've done something wrong.
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Checking it down is what they should do.  They shouldn't need to communicate to do so.  Maybe it becomes collusion since they discussed.
Exactly!You cannot discuss a hand in progress while in a hand. Look at the Stars Tournament Rules.Yeah people should automatically know the cooperation play and use it effectively in the ass end of a tournament. BUT you can't say it, that's in fact collusion in it's finest.
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