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aqo in tournament

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t100 (9 handed) converterButton (t2505)SB (t4585)BB (t1080)UTG (t1880)Hero (t1510)MP1 (t945)MP2 (t1295)MP3 (t910)CO (t1560)Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with :D, :). UTG calls t100, Hero raises to t400, UTG calls t845, Hero calls t545.Flop: (t2985) :), :club:, :D(3 players)UTG checks, Hero checks.Turn: (t2985) :D(3 players)UTG checks, Hero checks.River: (t2985) :)(3 players)UTG bets t400, Hero folds.Final Pot: t3385i was just moved to this table so i have no reads...i'm sorry if this is such a blatantly obvious answer...i have difficulties picking up on my leaks.one more just because i thought it was a fun one.

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This is a tough one. You would seem to have calling odds, but MP1 pushing is a big Ace or a pair. Then UTG comes in, and he also is a big Ace or a pair. Assuming one or the other has a pair and the other one duplicates your Ace, you are under 25% to win...still a small odds overlay, but I would rather pass on it and play on.If you arent comfortable playing with a shorter stack then getting it all in here cant be faulted, because it could put you in a very solid chip posiiton.

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This is a tough one. You would seem to have calling odds, but MP1 pushing is a big Ace or a pair. Then UTG comes in, and he also is a big Ace or a pair. Assuming one or the other has a pair and the other one duplicates your Ace, you are under 25% to win...still a small odds overlay, but I would rather pass on it and play on.If you arent comfortable playing with a shorter stack then getting it all in here cant be faulted, because it could put you in a very solid chip posiiton.
Copper...you missed one!!Dry side pot bet...fold!!
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Im getting it all in or folding here. Usually getting it all in. You already aren't in a great position chip wise, and alot of chips are up for grabs. Folding preflop is definitely fine, but I think this is a good spot to gamble.Im suprised you guys are saying its ok to fold here after you have called off 2/3 of your stack. When you have 500 chips left (with 50-100 blinds) and the pot is over 3k its time to throw the rest in.

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This is a tough one. You would seem to have calling odds, but MP1 pushing is a big Ace or a pair. Then UTG comes in, and he also is a big Ace or a pair. Assuming one or the other has a pair and the other one duplicates your Ace, you are under 25%  to win...still a small odds overlay, but I would rather pass on it and play on.If you arent comfortable playing with a shorter stack then getting it all in here cant be faulted, because it could put you in a very solid chip posiiton.
Copper...you missed one!!Dry side pot bet...fold!!
No, I considered the dry side pot when I said it was a borderline fold (we are talking about pre-flop I hope..you cant possibly give up a $3000 main pot plus 565 side pot for an additional 565 bet on the river..thats over 6:1 and your remaining 565 stack is an upward battle if you fold).In the main pot you have about a 25% chance to win in the worst case situation where your A is duplicated and there is a pair out there. So the net here is worst case +200 in EV for no more calling. If neither of your cards is duplicated y0u are even stronger for the main pot.For the side pot, you are committed to call if UTG wants to push it. But here you are AQ vs a single opponent, and the one who reraised so the tighter range of the two. Say that puts you as a 3:1 dog all by itself. Then you have a -282 EV for the side pot, overall a worst case -85 EV. Loosen up his range to make you only a 3:2 dog and you are -113 for the side pot and +87 overall. Since you are probably somewhere between the two extremes I called a small odds overlay.Despite that I still landed slightly on the fold side, because my experience is that at least one of these hands duplicates my A, and I can play on with 1100 chips comfortably.
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Im suprised you guys are saying its ok to fold here after you have called off 2/3 of your stack. When you have 500 chips left (with 50-100 blinds) and the pot is over 3k its time to throw the rest in.
I think you misunderstood...we (or at least I) were talking about the preflop decision. On the river I agree with you, there is no decision.
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