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FCPHA: Big Table in the Back

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Or maybe Burger Brasserie at Paris casino.
So yum.
we have a paris, tn and a paris, ky, jssweet deal on the car insurance check sharonnice win cliffiekeep up the good fight douggrats on the cool school voldyhenry, my hotel is in ITASCA, ILhad to let go one of my tournament directors which was surprisingly hard for me to do cause I really like the guy, just not the right fit. firing is not fun.had nice 5 day/4 night trip the the mountains with denny this past weekend that was pretty awesome and included a lot of exhibits, hiking, indoor skydiving and me backing over a smokey the bear donation box which scraped the shit out of the driver side rear corner panel of D's car, ooops. Damn bear.our neighborhood got destroyed by tornados last night which sucked, looks like a warzone when you drive through it. our house was spared any major damage, but tornado path was less than 5 houses away which is pretty scary, sounded like the hounds of hell when it went through, still no power and probably wont have power for awhile since all the power lines are down everywhere. few pics on facebook.i am at work in blue jeans, tshirt and hat cause i couldn't shower this morning (eww) which kinda rocks, my first casual Friday!still going to have poker and karaoke tonight.tomorrow is D's birthday, we will probably celebrate.hi
I'm glad you're all okay!!! Get a hotel room for a couple of days, maybe?
thanks man, me too!from our street:VH3mlrYFlvJi1Av47AJR.pngwI4_xhRRMbIDI3RB4hir.pngSQvwHivrOSD8TAlg41OT.png
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I'm about to drink wine and eat french fries. Gourmet.edit: Yep...I liked my own post.

I'm back in the land of cold weather, wind, and snow. I left CA on a day it reached 90 degrees and arrived in Anchorage to 12 degree weather, caught a plane to Unalaska where it was 34 with 2 inches o

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Those are some scary pics alan, glad you guys are ok. They let us out early today due to snow. And it's that heavy, thick snow that is a bitch to shovel.Good afternoon folks, caught up.

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I have to get up extra early again tomorrow. Why am I still up? Oh, Dave put in Memento for us to watch tonight. He saw it years ago and has wanted me to see it since. It was really good! I don't like that they don't clear up the end, though. It's the same director as Inception.
i like that movie
Exhausted from essentially working 2 jobs with the protests. Came home to find Shasta destroyed my tv remote and ps3 controller for a 2nd time. Got an email from work saying they need a form immediately that's going to be tough to fill because HR lost the first one.AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
why do HR people suck in general???
we have a paris, tn and a paris, ky, jssweet deal on the car insurance check sharonnice win cliffiekeep up the good fight douggrats on the cool school voldyhenry, my hotel is in ITASCA, ILhad to let go one of my tournament directors which was surprisingly hard for me to do cause I really like the guy, just not the right fit. firing is not fun.had nice 5 day/4 night trip the the mountains with denny this past weekend that was pretty awesome and included a lot of exhibits, hiking, indoor skydiving and me backing over a smokey the bear donation box which scraped the shit out of the driver side rear corner panel of D's car, ooops. Damn bear.our neighborhood got destroyed by tornados last night which sucked, looks like a warzone when you drive through it. our house was spared any major damage, but tornado path was less than 5 houses away which is pretty scary, sounded like the hounds of hell when it went through, still no power and probably wont have power for awhile since all the power lines are down everywhere. few pics on facebook.i am at work in blue jeans, tshirt and hat cause i couldn't shower this morning (eww) which kinda rocks, my first casual Friday!still going to have poker and karaoke tonight.tomorrow is D's birthday, we will probably celebrate.hi
Glad your ok...pics look scary
is it bad a laughed at this a little?
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henry, my hotel is in ITASCA, ILhad nice 5 day/4 night trip the the mountains with denny this past weekend that was pretty awesome and included a lot of exhibits, hiking, indoor skydiving and me backing over a smokey the bear donation box which scraped the shit out of the driver side rear corner panel of D's car, ooops. Damn bear.our neighborhood got destroyed by tornados last night which sucked, looks like a warzone when you drive through it. our house was spared any major damage, but tornado path was less than 5 houses away which is pretty scary, sounded like the hounds of hell when it went through, still no power and probably wont have power for awhile since all the power lines are down everywhere. few pics on facebook.i am at work in blue jeans, tshirt and hat cause i couldn't shower this morning (eww) which kinda rocks, my first casual Friday!
No problem, not far from me.Glad you enjoyed vacation with the wife.Glad your house is ok.You probably stink.
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No harm in laughing folks!
Okay...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!So, if you don't read my facebook...A loose dog in our neighborhood bit my hand last night. Did I post that here? I don't think so. So I had a tetanus shot, a stitch in my middle finger (pinky and middle finger punctured by fangs) and some antibiotics. It sucked, big time, but not so bad as the last time I was attacked by a dog and covered in bruises all over my arms. The bad thing is, I don't know where the dog belongs so I don't know if it has its rabies vaccination. Animal control has been contacted.
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I haven't watched Saturday morning cartoons in forever.Had a nice time at the theater last night. The staging and costumes were incredible. We had 8th row seats so we saw everything.Now it's a nice quiet day in the recliner trying to improve my place in the PSO.

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our neighborhood got destroyed by tornados last night which sucked, looks like a warzone when you drive through it. our house was spared any major damage, but tornado path was less than 5 houses away which is pretty scary, sounded like the hounds of hell when it went through, still no power and probably wont have power for awhile since all the power lines are down everywhere. few pics on facebook.
Glad you are okay, hicken! That is some scary times!
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I cooked Dave's birthday dinner. He's easy to please. I did pork chops and garlic mash. I also made him Lima beans. He likes Lima beans and I basically never make them. For dessert we had red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting (thank you Betty Crocker or Duncan Hines, I forget which). We watched A Few Good Men (a gift from Amanda) and played Ticket to Ride, Marklin. The kids were pretty good (all five of them) and didn't drive us too crazy.

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With more than one all-cartoon network, as well as networks with kids-only programming, the idea of watching cartoons only on Saturday morning is archaic.
Conner watches some shows on Netflix, but with no cable, we don't have any all kids networks so it's PBS during the week and Saturday morning cartoons. Archaic or not, I'm glad my kid knows what it is to look forward to Saturday morning cartoons, even if the imho, those particular cartoons suck.
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Kristen Wiig doing her version of the singer from the Cranberries on SNL was pretty damn funny. Anne Hathaway as Alanis was pretty funny, too.

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