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interesting turn decision?

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I was joking with you because you went through a period where you would have thought this was an easy turn three-bet and accused me of being weak tight constantly.
Haha,I went through that stage too. It wasn't that long ago. I think I should definetly bet that river (assuming a blank falls), if villian checks. Even most good players wouldn't check this river with a hand can't beat AK. That's one of the advantages of checking the turn. I may induce a bluff from hands that I beat, and I may get a hand that would have folded the turn to call the river.
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I was joking with you because you went through a period where you would have thought this was an easy turn three-bet and accused me of being weak tight constantly.
Haha,I went through that stage too. It wasn't that long ago. I think I should definetly bet that river (assuming a blank falls), if villian checks. Even most good players wouldn't check this river with a hand can't beat AK. That's one of the advantages of checking the turn. I may induce a bluff from hands that I beat, and I may get a hand that would have folded the turn to call the river.
You saved the best sentence for your last!
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I can understand why you'd want to check the turn.I think that there's a problem with checking behind the turn and then bet/folding a blank river.What hands attempt a checkraise here? Checking behind on the turn tells him that you're weak enough that you fear a checkraise.Betting the river tells him that you're strong enough that you want to get value.If he has a hand that doesnt beat a legitimate value bet, he could put two and two together and make a move there with something that he knows you have beat, if he believes that there's a good chance that you'll fold it.It doesnt seem likely. But then, there are no cards that he could hold that would make sense to attempt a checkraise at a blank river after you check behind on the turn.

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before reading replies.gosh, does 5/10 get that tricky that this is not an obvious:Bet !?Bet/Call turn.**now I read replies**oohhh.well, I got a ways to go.That good of a read on this guy?Almost makes me wonder why you called/raised preflop.Were you hoping to flop TJQr ?I got lots to learn.may I post here?

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