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flopped straight 3-6

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sb is 62/42/1.83 55 hands, bb is 52/8/0.4, and yes, i have really good table selection. mostly im wondering if anyone finds a raise on the river? raise-fold? raise-call? Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is UTG with [Kd], [Js]. Hero raises, SB calls, BB calls.Flop: (8 SB) [9c], [Tc], [Qc] (4 players)SB bets, SB calls, BB calls.Turn: (10 BB) [6d] (3 players)SB bets, SB calls, BB folds.River: (15 BB) [3h] (2 players)SB bets, Hero calls.Final Pot: 17 BB

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i think the turn was a bit much. SB has goods.
o rly? 1.58 AF with 64VPIP means hes betting like that with a much wider range than just flush. you dont think he plays 99 like that? AcQx? even AxXx? honest question, you obviously have more knowledge than me. i dont think my thinking is results based either. do you fold turn? call/call? i really have a lot of trouble laying this hand down to a maniac.
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Some possible holdings for villain:Flush - 45KJ - 8Ac J - 2J8s - 287 - 16QT - 9Q9 - 9T9 - 9 AQ - 12Other Ac x - 27Flopped set - 18, but I think he might have 3-bet PF with those hands.While there are other hands he could have, I doubt you're ahead often enough to raise here profitably, so I think you were right to just call the river. (Especially since I doubt he leads this river with two pair or top pair - his bet is probably either a hand that beats or ties you, a worse straight, a set, or a busted Ac draw.)I'm not sure about the turn; SB could have two pair, a straight, or any Ac and perhaps still lead the turn, so I think maybe the raise is okay with BB still in there. But, there's enough ways that you're either drawing dead or getting freerolled that maybe just calling is better - especially since you might induce a river bluff from a missed draw, and he'd be less likely to try to c/r you on the river.

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I'll answer the question you posed, and forego analysis of the rest of the hand (mostly because I can't decide what to suggest).Based on the way he played the rest of the hand, the river bet seems to suggest something like a small flush, set, two-pair, or something in that ilk. He could very easily have put you on some pair-draw combo hand and decided to get what value he could out of the river.Depending on how many lines like this he takes, I might be able to find a raise on the river, but I absolutely can't advocate a raise if you're thinking of folding to a single reraise in a pot this huge. When he doesn't 3-bet the turn, yet 3-bets the flop and LEADS the turn (and leads the river!) I'm inclined to think he thinks you're drawing at something. Anyone else get that feeling? Looks like he's not giving free streets with two-pair, top-pair good kicking, or even a set. Honestly, if my life depended on it and I had to make a decision, for one hand, for the rest of my life, I'd raise the river. In a vaccuum, you'd pick up a single extra bet much of the time against a hand that should have been willing to get crazy on the turn if he thought he was ahead. In my heart of hearts I think we're ahead, but it's dangerous, marginal, and quasi-reckless to raise the river. I think, unlike many posters, I like the turn raise.Ice

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