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casino rama in ontario

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe Brantford, Rama and Blue Heron have 11 tables. Brantford and Rama are no smoking. Blue Heron is dark, drafty and noisy. Weekends are busy at all places. The limits spread from 5/10 to 20/40. Rama does offer a 2/5 limit game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont ever play at Rama, if you are a serious Hold Em player and love to 'play the game' Do Not Play at rama. Rama's poker room is full of 'Gamblers', yes, poker is gambling itself. But it's also more of strategy! In rama, they 'Chase' like the coyote and the roadrunner, You wouldn't believe what goes on there. I remember i was playing a 5-10 game there one time and i had KK. All under cards (noface) come on the flop..i bet out, 2 guy calls me. turn comes another useless card for anybody, i bet out, guy calls me, the other folds. river comes an Ace, i bet out, guy raises me..i raise, guy re-raises, (at this point, i'm thinking "what the hell? did this guy fish all the way to that ace?"). Then i just call, we flip our cards...guy has a ace 3 offsuit....like WTF!? and this isn't the first time this happened to me at Rama. If you seriously wanna play, goto Huron in port perry or Brantford. I'd say goto perry, cuz the players there PLAY you know? they know how to trap,slow play, all that..and if i lose to them like that..i'll say "nice hand"..but if your always fishing I give you no respect at all...so try out perry or brantford..but dont goto rama, unless your feeling really 'lucky'. yea, that's the word, luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dont ever play at Rama, if you are a serious Hold Em player and love to 'play the game' Do Not Play at rama. Rama's poker room is full of 'Gamblers', yes, poker is gambling itself. But it's also more of strategy! In rama, they 'Chase' like the coyote and the roadrunner, You wouldn't believe what goes on there.
That's pretty standard in any low limit public poker game I've ever seen. While it can lead to some annoying fluctuations during particular sessions, over any kind of long term a serious player should be able to beat this kind of game with ease.So far as your bad beat story goes, you win that hand post-flop about 85% of the time. That means the other guy wins about 15% of the time. You happened to run into one of those 15%, big deal... if you'd prefer that the guy not give you an 85% chance to take his money, you might be playing the wrong game.
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Niagara Fallsview is too noisey, loud and not in a private room. Rama nice, no smoking, private room, challenging for people who know how to play. Sometimes those river players are there you just have to know how to play them better, trying to check raise or maybe bump your bet. Brantford is almost the same as Rama. Anyone know about Casino Seneca in Niagara falls New york is there a room and what it is like? :D RoseyG

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