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ivey vs. spirit rock again

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wow.JPGFullTiltPoker Game #195835585: Table Kennedy (6 max) - $50/$100 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:24:17 ET - 2005/08/25Seat 1: Raidan ($4,146)Seat 2: schnizeltoe ($13,694)Seat 3: Phil Ivey ($23,496.50)Seat 4: PSuff ($5,322)Seat 5: David Williams ($0), is sitting outSeat 6: Spirit Rock ($25,530.50)schnizeltoe posts the small blind of $50Phil Ivey posts the big blind of $100The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***adobopapi (Observer): lol mtg was tightAgentMAN (Observer): make about 52g a yearPSuff foldsSpirit Rock raises to $350Raidan calls $350schnizeltoe foldsPhil Ivey raises to $1,450Spirit Rock calls $1,100Weeze (Observer): NUTZ I will transfer....but you have to sit on table 51980 2000 pl holdem on Party poker so I know its youRaidan folds*** FLOP *** [Kh 9d Td]AgentMAN (Observer): you do magicPhil Ivey bets $2,600DavidPWilliams (Observer): nuts, ill hit u up, but atleast sit or sthSpirit Rock raises to $24,080.50, and is all inPhil Ivey calls $19,446.50, and is all inSpirit Rock shows [Ad Qd]Phil Ivey shows [9s 9c]Uncalled bet of $2,034 returned to Spirit Rock*** TURN *** [Kh 9d Td] [Jd]*** RIVER *** [Kh 9d Td Jd] [Ts]Spirit Rock shows a flush, Ace highPhil Ivey shows a full house, Nines full of TensPhil Ivey wins the pot ($47,391) with a full house, Nines full of Tenssexkytten (Observer): WOWZoomAir (Observer): holy %&&$*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $47,393 | Rake $2Board: [Kh 9d Td Jd Ts]Seat 1: Raidan (button) folded before the FlopSeat 2: schnizeltoe (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 3: Phil Ivey (big blind) showed [9s 9c] and won ($47,391) with a full house, Nines full of TensSeat 4: PSuff didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: David Williams is sitting outSeat 6: Spirit Rock showed [Ad Qd] and lost with a flush, Ace high
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Use the print screen button on your computer, it is usually beside Scroll Lock.  Then paste into an art programme, paint is the easiest.  Save as a jpeg, upload and Bob's your uncle...
that is a cool thing to know...thanks.
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And Ivey is winning again! I don't understand why you would play against Ivey of all people that's -EV if I have ever seen it
Now fishtank is up 30 k on mahatma on UB>probably fischman
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