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Why Do You Play These Televised Matches?

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Here's a big question for Daniel Negranu, specifically. I'm thinking of games like HSP and PAD, where you're in these games, and you're literally playing high stakes against the best of the best. Why play against these guys? I mean, if you think Phil Ivey is the best poker player in the world, why are you sitting across the table from him with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in front of you? I mean, even if you think you're "just as good" as him, that still leaves it at 50/50... Why not play people you know you can outplay at a slightly lower limit? Do the appearance fees and the endorsements add up to enough money to make it worthwhile if you break even?

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Here's a big question for Daniel Negranu, specifically. I'm thinking of games like HSP and PAD, where you're in these games, and you're literally playing high stakes against the best of the best. Why play against these guys? I mean, if you think Phil Ivey is the best poker player in the world, why are you sitting across the table from him with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in front of you? I mean, even if you think you're "just as good" as him, that still leaves it at 50/50... Why not play people you know you can outplay at a slightly lower limit? Do the appearance fees and the endorsements add up to enough money to make it worthwhile if you break even?
One word, "COMPLACENCY".Also, no matter how good you think you are, there is someone else out there that is better or who is striving to become better.
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I completely disagree. I would much rather play against Phil Ivey rather than someone like you for example. With a pro you can put them on ranges of hands easier, they will likely chase less, and as a result suck out on you less. Personally, I have my money and actions in the right place I would say 90% of the time. The only time I lose is when people suck out on the river, or flop 2 pair with absolute garbage that they should never have been in with in the first place especially in the face of substantial PF raises. Whatver, that's my take.
Agreed I'd much rather play Ivey HU for rollz than my grandma. . .
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I completely disagree. I would much rather play against Phil Ivey rather than someone like you for example. With a pro you can put them on ranges of hands easier, they will likely chase less, and as a result suck out on you less. Personally, I have my money and actions in the right place I would say 90% of the time. The only time I lose is when people suck out on the river, or flop 2 pair with absolute garbage that they should never have been in with in the first place especially in the face of substantial PF raises. Whatver, that's my take.
OP has made a lot more money than Phil Ivey ever will. I like you and I would like if we became friends.
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I completely disagree. I would much rather play against Phil Ivey rather than someone like you for example. With a pro you can put them on ranges of hands easier, they will likely chase less, and as a result suck out on you less. Personally, I have my money and actions in the right place I would say 90% of the time. The only time I lose is when people suck out on the river, or flop 2 pair with absolute garbage that they should never have been in with in the first place especially in the face of substantial PF raises. Whatver, that's my take.
well then, obviously you are rich. What constitutes garbage really. If you bluff and get away with it does it make you a bad player, No only a better one because your bluff worked that time. Just saying getting sucked out on poker is part of the game, it happens and always will. So get use to it. Yes there are bad players out there but I would gladly play against them because in the long run they lose more than when they win.
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Yeah I would love to play Ivey cause he is so easy to hand read... Not like he would ever shove with a hand like 52o against some pro like Lex Veldhuis for 500k or something stupid like that.
Is shoving 550k with 52o really a sign of skill, or a good guess, which if wrong really wouldnt bother you much.How much of Ivey is skill and how much is balls with a total disregard for money.
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Is shoving 550k with 52o really a sign of skill, or a good guess, which if wrong really wouldnt bother you much.How much of Ivey is skill and how much is balls with a total disregard for money.
Poker is about making decisions based on limited information. You are always guessing in deep stacked nl
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Daniel already has a comfortable amount of money. If playing Poker is your true dream job, why wouldn't you want to compete against the best?Its all about the competition and recognition for the high stakes players and about improving their game. As it should be for anyone who truly loves poker.One of my favorite quotes is "Find something that you would enjoy doing the rest of your life for free. Then find someone to pay you for it"

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