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yea na gidday, just wanted some different opinions on this hand and how i played it, yea na good cheersferal_cow_icon.gifFeral Cow PokerPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em $0.05/$0.10 - 6 playersUTG: $10.15 UTG+1: $11.72 (Hero)CO: $7.40 Button: $8.06 SB: $10.73 BB: $10.31 Preflop: ($0.15) Hero is UTG+1 with 7h.gif7c.gif (6 players)UTG raises to $0.40, Hero calls $0.40, 4 foldsFlop: ($0.95) 7s.gif5h.gifJc.gif (2 players)UTG bets $0.50, Hero calls $0.50Turn: ($1.95) 2s.gif (2 players)UTG checks, Hero bets $0.75, UTG calls $0.75River: ($3.45) 9h.gif (2 players)UTG bets $1.80, Hero raises to $5, UTG calls $3.20UTG mucked Jd.gifAc.gifHero showed 7h.gif7c.gif, and won ($12.79) with three of a kind, SevensHero won $12.79(Rake: $0.66)

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Raise the flop...he's coming in from UTG so his range is strongest, and he's never folding a big jack or QQ+. But since the flop's so dry, and since villain has bet so weakly, I can see the merit in calling, but you'll need to bet more on the turn. You want to get max value on this hand.

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raise flop for sure. You need to def bet bigger on the turn bc we should be getting our stack in on the river. you missed a ton of value

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If villain is competent there is a ton of merrit in flatting the flopbet a lot more on the turn... match your floats sonjam river
true but at this limit i think we can expect the vast majority of loose passive villains to hold on for at least 2 streets very weak. and most villains will probably stack off AJ+ here.
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true but at this limit i think we can expect the vast majority of loose passive villains to hold on for at least 2 streets very weak. and most villains will probably stack off AJ+ here.
hence i said if... most villains are not competent
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If villain is competent there is a ton of merrit in flatting the flopbet a lot more on the turn... match your floats sonjam river
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Just outta curiosity... does it annoy anybody else when someone refers to a set as '777'? I get tired of seeing this in chat...'What you have?''999'

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Just outta curiosity... does it annoy anybody else when someone refers to a set as '777'? I get tired of seeing this in chat...'What you have?''999'
lol i know what a set and trips are, but for quickness sake i just write 777 lol
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at these limits we don't need to be flatting a set on this flop. We have to find the best way to get our stack in, which of course is raising.As played, bet bigger turn and river as stated

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