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New season is great! Amy Pond is awesome and the new 11th doctor Matt Smith fills in perfectly even though David Tennant did an amazing job.Torchwood has been a great spin-off show too. Don't know when the next season will start.http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw

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The new guy is doing alright, I'm sure I'll warm to him as the Dr. I just really enjoyed Tennant's version.Fully agree with the Ms. Pond assessment, probably the best companion since Rose.

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He's growing on me but he has a large hill to climb having to follow arguably the best Dr.I like Amy I think. Goes back and forth. Better than Martha for sure. Donna was my favorite with Rose close behind.

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He's growing on me but he has a large hill to climb having to follow arguably the best Dr.I like Amy I think. Goes back and forth. Better than Martha for sure. Donna was my favorite with Rose close behind.
Donna was great, but she looked old. I don't know if it was her skin or what but opposite such a youthful looking doctor I couldn't get past how much she looked like a cougar interacting with him.
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Donna was great, but she looked old. I don't know if it was her skin or what but opposite such a youthful looking doctor I couldn't get past how much she looked like a cougar interacting with him.
I liked her because she was more of a friend to him than a love interest. She is so freaking funny too and I think they worked really well with each other.
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was it just me or did the Dalect ep. suck? Loved seeing them again but it seemed too jammed together to be a good Dr. Who epp.
Maybe it's because I never watched the old series, but the Daleks have never done anything for me. Most of their episodes are among my least favorite of the series, including the most recent one.
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Maybe it's because I never watched the old series, but the Daleks have never done anything for me. Most of their episodes are among my least favorite of the series, including the most recent one.
I never watched the old series, but I love the Daleks...I think there is a brash sinister ego to them that makes it so evil. But I found that to be sorta lost in this ep.
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Well for me going into this season I was more worried about Davies leaving the show and Moffat taking over rather than Smith taking over Tennant. Davies was a much better writer than Moffat in my opinion. The only thing Moffat has done that I enjoyed was Blink. And it kind of shows. I really like the first ep. 2nd was okay, but the last two were meh.

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Well for me going into this season I was more worried about Davies leaving the show and Moffat taking over rather than Smith taking over Tennant. Davies was a much better writer than Moffat in my opinion. The only thing Moffat has done that I enjoyed was Blink. And it kind of shows. I really like the first ep. 2nd was okay, but the last two were meh.
Wow, I completely disagree with this. I'm so much more excited to see where Moffat takes the show. If I were to name my favorite stories from the Davies era, four of my top six would be the Moffat stories (the other two being "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood" and "Midnight"). I liked the Davies stories for the first two seasons, but after that his stories just became too big and disjointed (except for the aforementioned "Midnight"). The finales played like over-the-top fan-fiction to me, and I grew tired of them.Also, I thought the most recent episode (to air in the US) was the best up until that point of this season (the conclusion to the story is even better).
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Wow, I completely disagree with this. I'm so much more excited to see where Moffat takes the show. If I were to name my favorite stories from the Davies era, four of my top six would be the Moffat stories (the other two being "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood" and "Midnight"). I liked the Davies stories for the first two seasons, but after that his stories just became too big and disjointed (except for the aforementioned "Midnight"). The finales played like over-the-top fan-fiction to me, and I grew tired of them.Also, I thought the most recent episode (to air in the US) was the best up until that point of this season (the conclusion to the story is even better).
He is not terrible or anything but some episodes like...I wish I could remember...the one I think in season 2 with the fireplace. My issue with most Moffat stories compared to most Davies stories is that Davies deals more with the characters where Moffat seems to care less about the characters and more about the story. Which necessarily isn't a bad thing but in the fireplace one Dr. Who goes through and seems pretty happy to be stuck in there with the hot chick and quickly disregards Mickey and Rose on the otherside. I enjoyed that ep storywise actually but the Doctor did things that contradicted his personality and where Davies was taking the character. That stuff kind of annoys me.Edit: LoL, The Girl in the Fireplace.
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