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If anyone wants me in anything I've got a normally good track record besides the occasional run bad, lzzzzzzzPS Bert (Stevens Point)

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If anyone wants me in anything I've got a normally good track record besides the occasional run bad, lzzzzzzzPS Bert (Stevens Point)
Both sent for the 1.10
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1.10 not so hot, thx for the tryPokerStars Game #40175117728: Tournament #286010741, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2010/02/22 18:19:47 ETTable '286010741 100' 9-max Seat #1 is the buttonSeat 1: jg361 (2430 in chips) Seat 2: Miciniak (1425 in chips) Seat 3: kyle8899 (2640 in chips) Seat 4: att99 (1375 in chips) Seat 5: julian24arg (1390 in chips) Seat 6: xxHoodRich (1665 in chips) Seat 7: sladehasaces (2045 in chips) Seat 8: walleye230 (1990 in chips) Seat 9: Ninjafoo (1500 in chips) Miciniak: posts small blind 15kyle8899: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Ninjafoo [Jh Jd]att99: folds julian24arg: calls 30xxHoodRich: folds sladehasaces: folds walleye230: calls 30Ninjafoo: raises 90 to 120jg361: raises 2310 to 2430 and is all-inMiciniak: folds kyle8899: folds julian24arg: calls 1360 and is all-inwalleye230: folds Ninjafoo: calls 1380 and is all-inUncalled bet (930) returned to jg361*** FLOP *** [4d 6d 4s]*** TURN *** [4d 6d 4s] [2d]*** RIVER *** [4d 6d 4s 2d] [9c]*** SHOW DOWN ***Ninjafoo: shows [Jh Jd] (two pair, Jacks and Fours)jg361: shows [Kd Ad] (a flush, Ace high)jg361 collected 220 from side potjulian24arg: shows [As Kh] (a pair of Fours)jg361 collected 4245 from main pot777JluMoH777 is connected *** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4465 Main pot 4245. Side pot 220. | Rake 0 Board [4d 6d 4s 2d 9c]Seat 1: jg361 (button) showed [Kd Ad] and won (4465) with a flush, Ace highSeat 2: Miciniak (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: kyle8899 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 4: att99 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: julian24arg showed [As Kh] and lost with a pair of FoursSeat 6: xxHoodRich folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: sladehasaces folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: walleye230 folded before FlopSeat 9: Ninjafoo showed [Jh Jd] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Fours

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Had JJ too, but fish obv playing crappy Ax cards and calling out of position. I only lost my preflop raise on it.At about 1.3k

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stupid pairsPokerStars Game #40175312278: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2010/02/22 18:23:31 ETTable '286010691 425' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: cran&goose (3665 in chips) Seat 2: gjd02 (2050 in chips) Seat 3: DoubleAero (16980 in chips) Seat 4: R.Ashot-TT (4350 in chips) Seat 5: aaron20185 (18970 in chips) Seat 6: drawcheck (9480 in chips) Seat 7: smash300yds (16575 in chips) Seat 8: MerlinXXII (3675 in chips) Seat 9: Ninjafoo (7300 in chips) Ninjafoo: posts small blind 100cran&goose: posts big blind 200*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Ninjafoo [Qs Qc]gjd02: calls 200DoubleAero: calls 200R.Ashot-TT: folds aaron20185: folds drawcheck: folds smash300yds: folds MerlinXXII: folds Ninjafoo: raises 600 to 800cran&goose: folds gjd02: calls 600DoubleAero: calls 600*** FLOP *** [7h As 5d]Ninjafoo: bets 1200gjd02: raises 50 to 1250 and is all-inDoubleAero: folds Ninjafoo: calls 50*** TURN *** [7h As 5d] [6c]*** RIVER *** [7h As 5d 6c] [5h]*** SHOW DOWN ***Ninjafoo: shows [Qs Qc] (two pair, Queens and Fives)gjd02: shows [Ah 8d] (two pair, Aces and Fives)gjd02 collected 5100 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5100 | Rake 0 Board [7h As 5d 6c 5h]Seat 1: cran&goose (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 2: gjd02 showed [Ah 8d] and won (5100) with two pair, Aces and FivesSeat 3: DoubleAero folded on the FlopSeat 4: R.Ashot-TT folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: aaron20185 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: drawcheck folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: smash300yds folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: MerlinXXII (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: Ninjafoo (small blind) showed [Qs Qc] and lost with two pair, Queens and Fives

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no ak wonder for me, Im just a big bag of suck today thx for the chancesPokerStars Game #40176205832: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2010/02/22 18:41:11 ETTable '286010691 425' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: fbi2100 (26964 in chips) Seat 2: gjd02 (8125 in chips) Seat 3: kinto1971 (19975 in chips) Seat 4: R.Ashot-TT (6625 in chips) Seat 5: aaron20185 (26285 in chips) Seat 6: drawcheck (9055 in chips) Seat 7: smash300yds (15800 in chips) Seat 8: kabouter21 (19455 in chips) Seat 9: Ninjafoo (3775 in chips) fbi2100: posts the ante 25gjd02: posts the ante 25kinto1971: posts the ante 25R.Ashot-TT: posts the ante 25aaron20185: posts the ante 25drawcheck: posts the ante 25smash300yds: posts the ante 25kabouter21: posts the ante 25Ninjafoo: posts the ante 25R.Ashot-TT: posts small blind 125aaron20185: posts big blind 250*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Ninjafoo [As Kc]drawcheck: raises 250 to 500smash300yds: folds kabouter21: calls 500Ninjafoo: raises 3250 to 3750 and is all-infbi2100: folds gjd02: folds kinto1971: folds R.Ashot-TT: folds aaron20185: folds drawcheck: calls 3250kabouter21: folds *** FLOP *** [5d 6h 2h]*** TURN *** [5d 6h 2h] [6s]*** RIVER *** [5d 6h 2h 6s] [2c]*** SHOW DOWN ***drawcheck: shows [Ts Tc] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)Ninjafoo: shows [As Kc] (two pair, Sixes and Deuces)drawcheck collected 8600 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 8600 | Rake 0 Board [5d 6h 2h 6s 2c]Seat 1: fbi2100 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: gjd02 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: kinto1971 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: R.Ashot-TT (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 5: aaron20185 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: drawcheck showed [Ts Tc] and won (8600) with two pair, Tens and SixesSeat 7: smash300yds folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: kabouter21 folded before FlopSeat 9: Ninjafoo showed [As Kc] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Deuces

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BINK!PokerStars Game #40176730788: Tournament #286010741, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (40/80) - 2010/02/22 18:51:56 ETTable '286010741 245' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: 5boetti (6800 in chips) Seat 2: PS Bert (1270 in chips) Seat 3: clamityjoe52 (1730 in chips) Seat 4: mklv144 (1040 in chips) Seat 5: badusca (11165 in chips) Seat 6: crazygranny5 (1320 in chips) Seat 7: ROTOR_10 (5590 in chips) Seat 8: EOS78 (370 in chips) Seat 9: jennybear104 (3100 in chips) mklv144: posts small blind 40badusca: posts big blind 80*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to PS Bert [9h 9d]crazygranny5: folds ROTOR_10: calls 80EOS78: raises 240 to 320jennybear104: folds 5boetti: folds PS Bert: raises 950 to 1270 and is all-inclamityjoe52: folds mklv144: folds badusca: calls 1190ROTOR_10: folds EOS78: calls 50 and is all-in*** FLOP *** [5c 9s 3c]*** TURN *** [5c 9s 3c] [Kc]*** RIVER *** [5c 9s 3c Kc] [2s]*** SHOW DOWN ***badusca: shows [5s 5h] (three of a kind, Fives)PS Bert: shows [9h 9d] (three of a kind, Nines)PS Bert collected 1800 from side potEOS78: shows [Th Qd] (high card King)PS Bert collected 1230 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3030 Main pot 1230. Side pot 1800. | Rake 0 Board [5c 9s 3c Kc 2s]Seat 1: 5boetti folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: PS Bert showed [9h 9d] and won (3030) with three of a kind, NinesSeat 3: clamityjoe52 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: mklv144 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 5: badusca (big blind) showed [5s 5h] and lost with three of a kind, FivesSeat 6: crazygranny5 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: ROTOR_10 folded before FlopSeat 8: EOS78 showed [Th Qd] and lost with high card KingSeat 9: jennybear104 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Luckboxes are ****ing gay.PokerStars Game #40176828078: Tournament #286010741, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (40/80) - 2010/02/22 18:53:59 ETTable '286010741 245' 9-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: 5boetti (6560 in chips) Seat 2: PS Bert (3030 in chips) Seat 3: clamityjoe52 (1730 in chips) Seat 4: mklv144 (1400 in chips) Seat 5: badusca (9815 in chips) Seat 6: crazygranny5 (1240 in chips) Seat 7: ROTOR_10 (5510 in chips) Seat 8: slavonac66 (1500 in chips) Seat 9: jennybear104 (3100 in chips) crazygranny5: posts small blind 40ROTOR_10: posts big blind 80*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to PS Bert [Qd Qh]slavonac66: raises 1420 to 1500 and is all-injennybear104: folds 5boetti: folds PS Bert: raises 1530 to 3030 and is all-inclamityjoe52: folds mklv144: folds badusca: folds crazygranny5: folds ROTOR_10: folds Uncalled bet (1530) returned to PS Bert*** FLOP *** [Kd As Jd]*** TURN *** [Kd As Jd] [3c]*** RIVER *** [Kd As Jd 3c] [9s]*** SHOW DOWN ***slavonac66: shows [9d Jc] (two pair, Jacks and Nines)PS Bert: shows [Qd Qh] (a pair of Queens)slavonac66 collected 3120 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3120 | Rake 0 Board [Kd As Jd 3c 9s]Seat 1: 5boetti folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: PS Bert showed [Qd Qh] and lost with a pair of QueensSeat 3: clamityjoe52 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: mklv144 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: badusca (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: crazygranny5 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: ROTOR_10 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: slavonac66 showed [9d Jc] and won (3120) with two pair, Jacks and NinesSeat 9: jennybear104 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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easily the best post ive seen from you. keep up the good work. hope the interview went well!!
Lolz, thanks. I got the job as a sales rep. Good life.Hey Ben G im down for that other stake you offered. Mulchick (Auckland)Im still in the $2.75 but really short stacked.
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Got the big double up though.PokerStars Game #40177409448: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2010/02/23 13:07:12 NZT [2010/02/22 19:07:12 ET]Table '286010691 149' 9-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: jrrrrrofohio (24138 in chips) Seat 2: Mulchick (2480 in chips) Seat 3: 1925filip (19127 in chips) Seat 4: Rco 91 (8225 in chips) Seat 5: waltergolf86 (10490 in chips) is sitting outSeat 6: TogaBoy (2594 in chips) Seat 7: seNekit0 (11899 in chips) Seat 8: raceroger (22395 in chips) Seat 9: madlandse (5510 in chips) jrrrrrofohio: posts the ante 25Mulchick: posts the ante 251925filip: posts the ante 25Rco 91: posts the ante 25waltergolf86: posts the ante 25TogaBoy: posts the ante 25seNekit0: posts the ante 25raceroger: posts the ante 25madlandse: posts the ante 25raceroger: posts small blind 150madlandse: posts big blind 300*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Mulchick [Qc Qd]jrrrrrofohio: folds Mulchick: raises 2155 to 2455 and is all-in1925filip: folds Rco 91: folds waltergolf86: folds TogaBoy: calls 2455seNekit0: folds waltergolf86 has returnedraceroger: folds madlandse: folds *** FLOP *** [Td 8d Qs]*** TURN *** [Td 8d Qs] [Jd]*** RIVER *** [Td 8d Qs Jd] [5c]*** SHOW DOWN ***Mulchick: shows [Qc Qd] (three of a kind, Queens)TogaBoy: shows [Ah Ts] (a pair of Tens)Mulchick collected 5585 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5585 | Rake 0 Board [Td 8d Qs Jd 5c]Seat 1: jrrrrrofohio folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: Mulchick showed [Qc Qd] and won (5585) with three of a kind, QueensSeat 3: 1925filip folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Rco 91 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: waltergolf86 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: TogaBoy showed [Ah Ts] and lost with a pair of TensSeat 7: seNekit0 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: raceroger (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 9: madlandse (big blind) folded before Flop

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Lolz, thanks. I got the job as a sales rep. Good life.Hey Ben G im down for that other stake you offered. Mulchick (Auckland)Im still in the $2.75 but really short stacked.
tourny is done registering let me cool off from my bad beat deep in the $20 1r 1ao and ill throw some more out likely. A10<64os on a 10 high flop..... still cashed but ...
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tourny is done registering let me cool off from my bad beat deep in the $20 1r 1ao and ill throw some more out likely. A10<64os on a 10 high flop..... still cashed but ...
cellphone%20wallpaper%20snow%20sexy%20girl.jpgbetter?EDIT: Lolz, aight bro im keen when you're keen.
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PokerStars Game #40177880508: Tournament #286010741, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2010/02/22 19:16:58 ETTable '286010741 245' 9-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 1: 5boetti (9710 in chips) Seat 2: PS Bert (1860 in chips) Seat 3: Ropar63 (1960 in chips) Seat 4: mklv144 (1460 in chips) Seat 5: badusca (9215 in chips) Seat 6: EvilNvrDies (3650 in chips) is sitting outSeat 7: ROTOR_10 (10280 in chips) Seat 8: olibo666 (2810 in chips) Seat 9: jennybear104 (1670 in chips) 5boetti: posts the ante 10PS Bert: posts the ante 10Ropar63: posts the ante 10mklv144: posts the ante 10badusca: posts the ante 10EvilNvrDies: posts the ante 10ROTOR_10: posts the ante 10olibo666: posts the ante 10jennybear104: posts the ante 10Ropar63: posts small blind 50mklv144: posts big blind 100*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to PS Bert [Tc Kc]ROTOR_10 said, "?????????????????????"EvilNvrDies has returnedbadusca has timed outbadusca: folds badusca is sitting outEvilNvrDies: calls 100ROTOR_10: folds olibo666: folds jennybear104: folds 5boetti: folds PS Bert: raises 1750 to 1850 and is all-inRopar63: raises 100 to 1950 and is all-inmklv144: folds EvilNvrDies: folds Uncalled bet (100) returned to Ropar63*** FLOP *** [Qc 8s 3s]*** TURN *** [Qc 8s 3s] [Js]badusca has returned*** RIVER *** [Qc 8s 3s Js] [9s]*** SHOW DOWN ***Ropar63: shows [As 6s] (a flush, Ace high)PS Bert: shows [Tc Kc] (a straight, Nine to King)Ropar63 collected 3990 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3990 | Rake 0 Board [Qc 8s 3s Js 9s]Seat 1: 5boetti folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: PS Bert (button) showed [Tc Kc] and lost with a straight, Nine to KingSeat 3: Ropar63 (small blind) showed [As 6s] and won (3990) with a flush, Ace highSeat 4: mklv144 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 5: badusca folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: EvilNvrDies folded before FlopSeat 7: ROTOR_10 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: olibo666 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: jennybear104 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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just as i was typing that....PokerStars Game #40178526259: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2010/02/22 19:30:43 ETTable '286010691 320' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Pokerbue (37321 in chips) Seat 2: rivergirl (3385 in chips) Seat 3: kokopelli-65 (2590 in chips) Seat 4: Rombik777 (40950 in chips) Seat 5: andethegreat (32907 in chips) Seat 6: jackel4 (4660 in chips) Seat 7: tylerinosa (21991 in chips) Seat 8: JABATA2010 (36682 in chips) Seat 9: Quad Wolf (13540 in chips) Pokerbue: posts the ante 50rivergirl: posts the ante 50kokopelli-65: posts the ante 50Rombik777: posts the ante 50andethegreat: posts the ante 50jackel4: posts the ante 50tylerinosa: posts the ante 50JABATA2010: posts the ante 50Quad Wolf: posts the ante 50andethegreat: posts small blind 300jackel4: posts big blind 600*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ks Kc]tylerinosa: calls 600JABATA2010: folds Quad Wolf: folds Pokerbue: folds rivergirl: raises 2735 to 3335 and is all-inkokopelli-65: calls 2540 and is all-inRombik777: folds andethegreat: folds jackel4: folds tylerinosa: folds Uncalled bet (795) returned to rivergirl*** FLOP *** [Kd Td 9d]

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