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5th Year Anniversary

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Hello everyone,Today is my 5th year anniversary at Full Contact Poker. When I first came to this site it wasn't this forum, it wasn't a poker room, it was a very basic white design that held all of Daniel's articles he's written for various publications through out the years.I just want to say congratulations to team fullcontactpoker.com for what it has become.

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Hello everyone,Today is my 5th year anniversary at Full Contact Poker. When I first came to this site it wasn't this forum, it wasn't a poker room, it was a very basic white design that held all of Daniel's articles he's written for various publications through out the years.I just want to say congratulations to team fullcontactpoker.com for what it has become.
I thought you and FCP had divorced!
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I lived in oshkosh, but now live in nashville, tn.
Did you get tired of all the planes flying in to oshkosh?
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It's also my anniversary!Should I make my own thread? :club:
WOW! You and Tritz are FCP twins!
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1 more month here, crazy it's been that long.
So true, 5 years in this hell hole. To think 5 years ago we were both bored the same week hanging onthe internet killing time and we're still doing the same damn thing, nothing.Pretty awesome!
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I'm not gonna lie, I came to FCP because i was looking for some info on peoples thoughts with Televised Poker.Then i saw a smash polluted thread, and was hooked.Then just as i was ready to pull out, They had the logo contest, and I was right back in.then just as i was ready to pull out again, they did FCP team challenges and Negreanu Open'sP.S. anyone know how Jayson Weber is?I'm pretty sure he actually started FCP with DN. and then launched it on Nov 23rd 2004.

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P.S. anyone know how Jayson Weber is?I'm pretty sure he actually started FCP with DN. and then launched it on Nov 23rd 2004.
Yeah, I believe he was involved before the current forum was public.Also funny you mention it, cause after I told Brigette about what happened with Ozium, she's like "He probably ran off with Jayson Weber".
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