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i went for it....and lost...i'm out

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PrtyPSux, I'll stake you $100. I have terms of play based on how I judge your abilities and where (i.e. which online pokerroom) it will be most profitable. I'm sure something can be worked out. I'd be glad to hear what people think would be a fair deal.
i would like to get a small stake myself, and possibly some good advice that would improve my game, if the offer is open. if not, oh well.i've always stayed within my bankroll, however menial it is. yeah i feel bad for someone that is wiped, but that was their own fault for putting all on the line because they were feeling lucky.
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The guy Bassically pours his heart out in a Poker Forum about how badly he got Raided and u guys are on him like a pack of wolves shame on you both!
Well excuse me Mr. 10000, but after hearing 100's of these pointless stories of "AK VS AQ AND I LOST! WTF :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: " I really have stopped caring, I even hear it from other poker buddies I know, they b!tch every time they lose. This is a place to talk about poker, not to whine about beats, that's what the bad beat forum is for, so stop trying to sound sympathetic, because frankly it is pathetic. (Yes I meant the rhyme.)
I want to start this reply by saying that I am in no way attacking the opinion that Nick is expressing. Also, I understand that I may be flamed for being a "newbie". I have been reading this forum for about 2 months, but have only just started to post. I completely understand where Nick is coming from in saying that he is sick of hearing about bad beats. The only reason that I am expressing my opinion here is that it strikes a very personal note with me.I feel that the difference here is that the OP is not talking about a bad beat; he is referring to a much bigger problem in his life. While a lot of good poker players say that poker isn't gambling, it definitely can be gambling (even Daniel has said this about his challenges). Having dealt with people close to me who have gambling problems, I definitely understand where the OP is coming from. His problem is only indirectly related to poker, it is merely his outlet for gambling. As he said, he seems to just be a gambler at heart.I guess what I am trying to say is that while I wouldn't expect everyone to show sympathy for what this guy is going through, I hope you can understand that it is (or at least it seems to be) a lot more serious than just another pointless bad beat story, and that the solution is not just to become a better poker player..
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I appriciate your approach to my opinion, and yes I did somewhat jump the gun, but if he's looking for a shoulder to :cry: on... I suggest gamblers anonymous. Only an idiot or a real problem gambler goes into a game where his whole bankroll is 12 big blinds.

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dude, this isnt very rocks and rings of you all.maybe we should all just take our collective spite and turn it in 1.4's direction. loli've used rocks and rings in a reply three times already today.  someone shoot me.
well, i don't have a guncan anyone stake me a gun?
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dude, this isnt very rocks and rings of you all.maybe we should all just take our collective spite and turn it in 1.4's direction. loli've used rocks and rings in a reply three times already today.  someone shoot me.
well, i don't have a guncan anyone stake me a gun?
lol no need.. if i catch myself saying rocks and rings in public, id find one myself..
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first off ...i don't see this as a bad beat at all...I SEE IT AS A PROBLEM that i have to figure out. I just want a break thats all... Heres the plan... I wrote a business plan when I was in real estate... I figure I could do the same for poker. But for right now...I'm just burned out. I have made 3 deposits on UB all $50. This is probably after about a 3 month break from playing live 4/8. During this break I played a live 2/4 game once a week (which was cake) then a 10 tourney once a week. After that I would play a 3/6 kill. There were a couple of well to do guys in that game every week, very aggressive...much more difficult game. anyway....I start out usually two tabling .25/.50 any combo of triplle draw, stud, or 6 seat holdem. Once I'm up to 75 I'm playing 1 table of short handed holdem .5/1 I love the action in a short handed game. At the 150 I will 2 table... and from there its 1/2 or 2/4 holdem w/ a kill if I can. My first deposit i made it to 300 and then put it into a 10/20 game. I took some tough beats in that game...and didn't feel like i was out played in that game all. thats poker....i tilt, I try not to bad or often...but i do. I never loose my cool though. My second deposit I lost when about the 100 mark multy tabling a combo of 2/4 and 1/2.And then everyone knows the result of the last deposit. By the time i was up to 300 i made a good score at 5/10 short handed. So I put into a live game 20/40. I was simply out matched in this game. yes i only had 12 bb's. But i played solid tight. My goal was to wait until I had a solid hand at the river...Ak holds up and I'm up. Had a tight table image for about 45 mins to an hour. So i did a total 180. Accept the players caught on, and the rest was history. I think I could be happy w/ playing 5/10 and occassionally 10/20. I have a buddy who try and takes a 1k a week playing 10/20...which for my would premium...but not necessary. So I know where i want to go...now I'm just going to put a DETAILED game plan to get there. oh...I wouldn't have made the post and not expected critcism....it was what i needed to here.

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dude, this isnt very rocks and rings of you all.maybe we should all just take our collective spite and turn it in 1.4's direction. loli've used rocks and rings in a reply three times already today. someone shoot me.
well, i don't have a guncan anyone stake me a gun?
Alright, but I want 40% of everything you kill with it.
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