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The **official** Stimulus Spending Thread

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The tea party's were not necessarily about saying tax rates are too high, but what is being done with that money.Also, Henry, Tolls are definitely going up. It's $5 to drive across the Golden Gate now and $4 for all other CA toll bridges.80-100 a month to commute over them.

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The tea party's were not necessarily about saying tax rates are too high, but what is being done with that money.Also, Henry, Tolls are definitely going up. It's $5 to drive across the Golden Gate now and $4 for all other CA toll bridges.80-100 a month to commute over them.
They recently put a toll on the two far left lanes of I-95 in Miami. very controversial.
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give me a break. you cant complain to me about media bias and then send me a biased website to prove it! Come on, you are better than this.That website has ads on the left banner (all I looked at) for "Vote for Sarah Palin" and The Wall Street Journal opinion section links and something against the fairness doctrine (you know you're on a conservative website when.......)This is why I was making fun of you for being a cut and paste artist. If I put an article up here from cnn.com or the huffington post you would dismiss it. So why wouldnt I just dismiss this article?
please let me know which one of these statements contained in the article were inaccurateIn CNN’s case, the network also became the story when one of its reporters showed contempt for people at the Chicago Tea Party, calling the protests “anti-government” and “anti-CNN.” One night earlier, Anderson Cooper repeated the offensive sexual term “teabagging,” which had been the favorite anti-tea party slur of “liberal” MSNBC since April 9.National broadcast or print media used the term “AstroTurf” at least 12 times since April 10 to attack the idea that the protests were a grassroots movement of conservatives. Left-wing bloggers at BuzzFlash used that term to label the tea party movement as early as March 24Of course on April 15, some in the media were still doing their best to downplay the thousands of protesters rallying across the country. The New York Times buried its tea party follow up on April 16 at the bottom of page A14. But a protest of Afghan women in Kabul secured the below-the-fold front page spot.NBC’s Chuck Todd wrote off the protests for “Today” viewers April 15 saying, “There’s been some grassroots conservatives who have organized so called ‘tea parties’” around the country. “But I tell you, the idea hasn’t really caught on.”term “teabagging” as when a man places his testicles “onto someone’s face, or into their mouth.” The slang term had been used for days on MSNBC before CNN repeated it – in one specific discussion of the tea party protests host Rachel Maddow and guest Ana Marie Cox said it at least 51 times, in 13 minutes.The national news media was divided on the tax day tea parties – at least up until April 14. The Big Three networks and The Washington Post chose to effectively ignore the hundreds of planned demonstrations, while The New York Times and MSNBC disparaged the protests
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Are you now going to claim that the federal government is faster, more responsive, and more accurate than free markets at providing the goods and services people want?
not providing the goods and needs. you still don't get my point. the governement is definetly faster and hopefully more responsive and accurate in actually SAVING the economy from going down right now, so the free market is able to provide the goods and needs in the future. and i guess the responibility and accuracy of the free market was just lost for a moment when they crashed the world economy? but they were fast, though...
Both long-term and short-term job creation is dependent on having companies that produce the things that people want so that they are motivated to work harder to get the things they want before their neighbor gets it.
yup. i bolded the important part.and you seriously would rather give loads of money every few miles to some guys who own a couple of miles of a road than use it for free?!
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not providing the goods and needs. you still don't get my point. the governement is definetly faster and hopefully more responsive and accurate in actually SAVING the economy from going down right now, so the free market is able to provide the goods and needs in the future. and i guess the responibility and accuracy of the free market was just lost for a moment when they crashed the world economy? but they were fast, though...yup. i bolded the important part.and you seriously would rather give loads of money every few miles to some guys who own a couple of miles of a road that use it for free?!
are you a real person?
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Also, Henry, Tolls are definitely going up. It's $5 to drive across the Golden Gate now and $4 for all other CA toll bridges.
It's good to know that drivers are starting to find out the true cost of their addiction to driving. If this were to happen everywhere, maybe cohesive communities would come back, instead of monotonous suburbs with "easy access to everything you care about".Note: I'm not criticizing people who make the suburb choice, as it is the rational one when costs of driving are not directly related to volume driven, but when people complain all the things missing from suburbs (a sense of community, individuality, etc), remember that it was lost because freeways separated living from playing.
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not providing the goods and needs. you still don't get my point. the governement is definetly faster and hopefully more responsive and accurate in actually SAVING the economy from going down right now, so the free market is able to provide the goods and needs in the future. and i guess the responibility and accuracy of the free market was just lost for a moment when they crashed the world economy? but they were fast, though...
Case 1: Person A has $100 and wants to take his family to dinner. He goes to dinner and spends $100. Total amount spent, $100. Total time, 2 hours.Case 2: Person B has $100 and wants to take his family to dinner. The government decides the economy needs to be stimulated. So Person B is taxes $30, and has to eat at a worse restaurant, or maybe just decided to stay home. The government takes the $30. $5 is lost to overhead from the bureaucracy. Someone in congress writes a 400 page spending bill. It is introduced to committee, where it is rewrittten before being sent to the next committee two weeks later. The second committee goes through the same process, and sends it back to the first committee. It is then introduced to the full house, where it is debated for days, modified. Then the same thing happens in the Senate. After a month, the two versions are finally reconciled. On page 256, Section 17, Subsection 23, paragraph 4, item 17, is a $4 subsidy to a restaurant in Person B's hometown. A week later, the bill is signed by the president. Three weeks later, the Department of Restaurant subsidies gets a copy of the bill, and begins to write the regulations regarding Subsidies to Small Town Restaurants In Economic Stimulus Funding. Six months later, the public comment period begins. After 3 months, the public comments are collected, and the regulations are modified. An Office of Economic Stimulus is opened in Person B's hometown. Six months later, they receive a check for $1 to give to local restaurants, and this money is doled out over the next year. Total amount spent: $100 Total time: 18 months.So which case will stimulate the economy faster and which will have better long term and short term results?As for free markets crashing the world, at this point I'll have to assume you are just being obstinate, since this idea has been dismissed six months ago and discussed ad nauseum.
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This video warms my heart <3For those who say the Tea Party Protests were just a Republican publicity stunt orchestrated by Fox, here's a video of one of the Republicans who voted for the "stimulus" package giving a speech at one of the Tea Parties:

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This video warms my heart <3For those who say the Tea Party Protests were just a Republican publicity stunt orchestrated by Fox, here's a video of one of the Republicans who voted for the "stimulus" package giving a speech at one of the Tea Parties:
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More than $55 million in economic stimulus money will be used to fix the National Mall, even though money for mall renovations was removed during congressional debate on the stimulus package this winter…In January, majority Democrats removed $200 million in stimulus funding that had been targeted for the National Mall, after Republicans criticized it as an example of wasteful spending.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOIbD8JGq9M...player_embeddedyou know it is bad when CNN reports on itThat's two hundred million dollars of federal tax money for John Murth airport that handles 3 commercial flights daily
Don't you know, we're talkin' 'bout a revolution...This will be defended as 1) a drop in the bucket, and 2) an anomaly, but the problem is that this is what happens with out of control spending. Next think you know 200 million is 860 billion of nothing.
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