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SB was 56/12/.68 but only in 50 hands. Only like 10 hands on button.PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.25 BB (6 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comMP ($25.45)CO ($15)Button ($28.45)SB ($25.35)BB ($89.10)Hero (UTG) ($30.65)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Q :4h, J :club:, 10 :ts, 10 :5cHero raises to $1.10, 2 folds, Button raises to $2.50, SB raises to $9.10, 1 fold, Hero raises to $30.30Can I just call SBs 4 Bet? He will have less than a pot size bet left on the flop. Still have the button mini raiser behind me.

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Looks like omaha to me. Really can't flat that 4 bet no.
Without any reasoning, this doesn't really do much for the discussion...I think I flat call there. I'm still OK with all the money getting in if the button repots and SB calls, but we pretty much know what hand SB has, so why not see the flop. You're probably OK equity wise 3 way PF, but flatting might give you the opportunity to fold the really bad flops without putting more money in.
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I agree with a flat here... I don't like putting all my money in the pot in Omaha before even seeing a flop. Ofc, you can still call, but pf here, but I see no need to move over the top. But my game still needs a lot of improvement, so can't really say if this is proper way to play in this situation. Still, I just flat.

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Since the small blind's range mostly includes very premium hands in this situation and the fact that you are throwing away your option to throw away your hand on ugly flops means you misplayed this hand; flatting is more profitable.

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I don't think you can flat here because of the button min raiser. If you flat, and button has a premo hand, he repots and your in a 3 way pot with a hand that is very easily dominated in a lot of ways.I would fold when it gets back to me.

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I don't think you can flat here because of the button min raiser. If you flat, and button has a premo hand, he repots and your in a 3 way pot with a hand that is very easily dominated in a lot of ways.I would fold when it gets back to me.
If you are folding in these kind of situations you are playing WAY too nitty. The best option is to flat-call for the above reasons, the next is shoving, but the worst is folding.
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If you are folding in these kind of situations you are playing WAY too nitty. The best option is to flat-call for the above reasons, the next is shoving, but the worst is folding.
BFT.Folding is definitely the worst option. The only way I'm folding this is if I'm told beforehand that all the Ks,9s, As, hearts and diamonds had been set on fire. Flat call and see a flop.Oh, and results?
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BFT.Folding is definitely the worst option. The only way I'm folding this is if I'm told beforehand that all the Ks,9s, As, hearts and diamonds had been set on fire. Flat call and see a flop.Oh, and results?
PokerStars Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.25 BB (6 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comMP ($25.45)CO ($15)Button ($28.45)SB ($25.35)BB ($89.10)Hero (UTG) ($30.65)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Q :D, J :club:, 10 :ts, 10 :DHero bets $1.10, 2 folds, Button raises to $2.50, SB raises to $9.10, 1 fold, Hero raises to $30.30, 1 fold, SB calls $16.25 (All-In)Flop: ($53.70) 7 :4h, 3 :jh, K :club:(2 players, 1 all-in)Turn: ($53.70) Q :D(2 players, 1 all-in)River: ($53.70) 8 :D(2 players, 1 all-in)Total pot: $53.70 | Rake: $2.65Results:SB had 6 :club:, K :club:, A :club:, A :5c (one pair, Aces).Hero mucked Q :(, J :3h, 10 :qh, 10 :club: (one pair, Queens).Outcome: SB won $51.05**I hate the buttons play here so much! Even more than the actuals results.
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