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42 people dead; communities iced in and without lifesaving power for heat and cooking; conditions worsening — and FEMA nowhere to be found.This isn’t a lefty caricature of disaster-response under the Bush administration; it’s real-life unresponsiveness under the leadership of President Obama (whose accession was supposed to mark a “return to competence” in government).“In some parts of rural Kentucky, they’re getting water the old-fashioned way — with pails from a creek,” writes Associated Press reporter Bruce Schreiner. “There’s not room for one more sleeping bag on the shelter floor. The creative are flushing their toilets with melted snow.”Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.“We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so farMarty Hudak, spokesman for Obama FEMA director Nancy Ward, said emergency personnel can’t get to the people living (and dying) in these dangerous disaster areas because it’s, well, too dangerous to do so.“We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions,” she told the AP.“35,000 Dead”When 12 people died in Kansas in May 2007 as a result of tornadoes, then-candidate Obama blamed the Iraq war for depleting the National Guard of needed resources to help the remaining victims. “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas,” Obama said. “Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed; turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process.”This brings up an interesting question. If twelve dead in reality was 10,000 in Obama’s head, shouldn’t this emergency situation, which has left 42 dead (that’s 35,000 in Obamathematics), be deserving of the promptest, most competent response possible?Regardless, with a state of emergency that severe, and a number of Americans dead or dying, why is Barack Obama’s newly-competent Federal Emergency Management Agency sitting on its hands and waiting for the ice to melt and snow to clear before it actually responds to (or “manages”) this emergency?Regardless, this is a serious situation which demands serious analysis and response. Like all of America’s natural disasters, the crisis in (majority-white) Kentucky is certainly no place for either side to inject race into the discussion. After all, that’s just unseemly, and neither side would ever do that — right?Isn't fun when everything is your fault?

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42 people dead; communities iced in and without lifesaving power for heat and cooking; conditions worsening — and FEMA nowhere to be found.This isn’t a lefty caricature of disaster-response under the Bush administration; it’s real-life unresponsiveness under the leadership of President Obama (whose accession was supposed to mark a “return to competence” in government).“In some parts of rural Kentucky, they’re getting water the old-fashioned way — with pails from a creek,” writes Associated Press reporter Bruce Schreiner. “There’s not room for one more sleeping bag on the shelter floor. The creative are flushing their toilets with melted snow.”Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.“We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so farMarty Hudak, spokesman for Obama FEMA director Nancy Ward, said emergency personnel can’t get to the people living (and dying) in these dangerous disaster areas because it’s, well, too dangerous to do so.“We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions,” she told the AP.“35,000 Dead”When 12 people died in Kansas in May 2007 as a result of tornadoes, then-candidate Obama blamed the Iraq war for depleting the National Guard of needed resources to help the remaining victims. “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas,” Obama said. “Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed; turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process.”This brings up an interesting question. If twelve dead in reality was 10,000 in Obama’s head, shouldn’t this emergency situation, which has left 42 dead (that’s 35,000 in Obamathematics), be deserving of the promptest, most competent response possible?Regardless, with a state of emergency that severe, and a number of Americans dead or dying, why is Barack Obama’s newly-competent Federal Emergency Management Agency sitting on its hands and waiting for the ice to melt and snow to clear before it actually responds to (or “manages”) this emergency?Regardless, this is a serious situation which demands serious analysis and response. Like all of America’s natural disasters, the crisis in (majority-white) Kentucky is certainly no place for either side to inject race into the discussion. After all, that’s just unseemly, and neither side would ever do that — right?Isn't fun when everything is your fault?
I wonder if Oprah will have Anderson Cooper on her show and ask him if Obama's response is so slow because the victems are white?
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Change we can believe in.orThe more things change.........

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Seriously - Where is the out rage... if this were happy in Louisiana..and on BUshes watch... you would be up in arms
Well would you be outraged if this had of happened two weeks ago when was Bush was still the President.If your answer is no then you shouldn't be outraged at the Obama Administration since you would think the policies and systems that are currently in place are the exact same ones that were in place 2 weeks ago as it takes time for any meaningful change to take place. Since you are outraged you're most likely blinded by your own partisan view of things.I have no idea if FEMA has dropped the ball again but if they have it's much more of an indictment of the organization that the previous administration left than it reflects on the current administration. Of course the current administration might also have added to the problems but I just don't know.This forum has turned into the Republican partisan whining forum to a large extent and people would take what you write a lot more seriously if everything you write wasn't so partisan that it's hard to actually take things seriously from you even when you do present things that should be taken seriously.My last point is more specifically meant for you than for some other independent and Republican posters who are more balanced in their posting.
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Well would you be outraged if this had of happened two weeks ago when was Bush was still the President.If your answer is no then you shouldn't be outraged at the Obama Administration since you would think the policies and systems that are currently in place are the exact same ones that were in place 2 weeks ago as it takes time for any meaningful change to take place. Since you are outraged you're most likely blinded by your own partisan view of things.I have no idea if FEMA has dropped the ball again but if they have it's much more of an indictment of the organization that the previous administration left than it reflects on the current administration. Of course the current administration might also have added to the problems but I just don't know.This forum has turned into the Republican partisan whining forum to a large extent and people would take what you write a lot more seriously if everything you write wasn't so partisan that it's hard to actually take things seriously from you even when you do present things that should be taken seriously.My last point is more specifically meant for you than for some other independent and Republican posters who are more balanced in their posting.
He's not... that's the whole point. They shouldn't have been either.
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I didnt know people dying and a lack of federal response was partisan politics....liberals in here dont seem agree with many of the decisions in the first 15 days.... otherwise they would be defending Obama to the death...Just think if Bush had started out his presidency with the following..4 Cabinet Pick with Serious issues: Richardson(withdrew),Geithner (Tax),Daschle(Tax), Clinton(Foreign Donations)A Massive Pork Laden BullSh**T Special Interest Spedning Billand Zero Federal reposnse to a emergency situation in KentuckyBraveHeart hit it right on the head.. Change we can believe in!

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As usual, federal bureaucracy proves to be a terrible solution to a local problem. I wonder how many times that has to happen before we stop the pretending that FEMA deserves to exist?But yeah, your original point is spot on: if this had happened under Bush's watch, there'd be 24 hour coverage on how poorly he'd managed this "crisis". With Obama, the media quietly looks the other way.

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Well would you be outraged if this had of happened two weeks ago when was Bush was still the President.If your answer is no then you shouldn't be outraged at the Obama Administration since you would think the policies and systems that are currently in place are the exact same ones that were in place 2 weeks ago as it takes time for any meaningful change to take place. Since you are outraged you're most likely blinded by your own partisan view of things.I have no idea if FEMA has dropped the ball again but if they have it's much more of an indictment of the organization that the previous administration left than it reflects on the current administration. Of course the current administration might also have added to the problems but I just don't know.This forum has turned into the Republican partisan whining forum to a large extent and people would take what you write a lot more seriously if everything you write wasn't so partisan that it's hard to actually take things seriously from you even when you do present things that should be taken seriously.My last point is more specifically meant for you than for some other independent and Republican posters who are more balanced in their posting.
With all due respect, you missed the point completely. His point is how completely different the two presidents were treated by the media. It is hard to stomach you making accusations of whining. As someone has already pointed out, if Bush had the same appointments, special interest bill, "SCANDAL" would be in the headlines across the nation. Brian Williams (or was it Matt Lour) playful interview with Obama shown during Superbowl pregame is another example of how incredibly different democrats and republicans are treated by the media.(btw NBC is the worst).
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Seriously - Where is the out rage... if this were happy in Louisiana..and on BUshes watch... you would be up in arms
<------------Just went through 7 days without power and water due to a horrible icestorm here in December 2008 (ie end of Bush admin.). Most of central Massachusetts and parts of New Hampshire were declared a disaster area. Shoooooot.........was I supposed to be outraged? Aw..damn....I forgot to be outraged!!! Wut a dumbass I am. Here I am grateful to the people who helped us out and all along I was supposed to be outraged!!!
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With all due respect, you missed the point completely. His point is how completely different the two presidents were treated by the media. It is hard to stomach you making accusations of whining. As someone has already pointed out, if Bush had the same appointments, special interest bill, "SCANDAL" would be in the headlines across the nation. Brian Williams (or was it Matt Lour) playful interview with Obama shown during Superbowl pregame is another example of how incredibly different democrats and republicans are treated by the media.(btw NBC is the worst).
This is all completely correct, the missing link that no one has mentioned yet is New Orleans, at it's core, was about color, and it was just another travesty heaped upon the black man by whitey. Of course, we know that this isn't true, but at it's core the lack of coverage is because these are white people, plain and simple. A white person living in America should be perfectly fine, no matter what. He gon be alright.
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I didnt know people dying and a lack of federal response was partisan politics....liberals in here dont seem agree with many of the decisions in the first 15 days.... otherwise they would be defending Obama to the death...Just think if Bush had started out his presidency with the following..4 Cabinet Pick with Serious issues: Richardson(withdrew),Geithner (Tax),Daschle(Tax), Clinton(Foreign Donations)A Massive Pork Laden BullSh**T Special Interest Spedning Billand Zero Federal reposnse to a emergency situation in KentuckyBraveHeart hit it right on the head.. Change we can believe in!
It's not that liberals don't support or not, it's that they believe that questioning Lord Obama is out of the question. He is all knowing and great, so whatever they may think his decisions must be right. Do you really think Libs will be able to hold on to any level of perspective after 4 to 6 years of bush bashing at every turn? Hell, no. They lost touch with reality long ago.
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Nobody has a problem with anyone questioning Obama in fact many liberals on here have voiced displeasure with certain things he's done as well as some of you rebubs, indies on here have posted in agreement with certain things he's done. The annoying thing is (while other then the constant "media, media, media" crying) is when you continue to post and make it obvious that no matter what you will always find something to complain about because he wasn't your candidate.Christ, if Obama cured cancer you'd complain that that wasn't part of the platform he ran on and what a typical b.s politician he is.

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Nobody has a problem with anyone questioning Obama in fact many liberals on here have voiced displeasure with certain things he's done as well as some of you rebubs, indies on here have posted in agreement with certain things he's done. The annoying thing is (while other then the constant "media, media, media" crying) is when you continue to post and make it obvious that no matter what you will always find something to complain about because he wasn't your candidate.Christ, if Obama cured cancer you'd complain that that wasn't part of the platform he ran on and what a typical b.s politician he is.
Boo ****ing hoo.
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http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=47383ATLANTA, Ga. -- Kentucky's storm emergency needs continue to be a priority for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is coordinating and delivering federal resources to the commonwealth.With widespread power outages affecting communications capabilities in Kentucky, FEMA's Mobile Emergency Response Support units - called MERS - have moved from Thomasville, Ga., and Frederick, Md., to Kentucky. MERS assets include portable radio towers, repeaters and radios; multiple portable KU Band satellite systems and satellite telephones to help officials in areas where cellular towers are inoperative.FEMA also has deployed its Incident Response Vehicle, technicians, and radio/repeater equipment to construct a radio network capable of providing communications."This is an amazing effort and we have worked long hours to move supplies and equipment. Our working partnership with FEMA ensures we are getting excellent help under difficult circumstances for Kentuckians suffering from the winter storm," said Gen. John W. Heltzel, director of Kentucky's Division of Emergency Management.FEMA began moving supplies into the commonwealth Thursday morning. To date, water, meals, cots and blankets, have moved through the national logistics staging area at Fort Campbell to the Commonwealth's staging areas in Greenville and Paducah. There are no known shortages of commodities at this time."We know how rough conditions are when power is out," said FEMA Regional Administrator Phil May. "We are working to help the state take care of people's emergency needs."FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are working together to provide industrial-size generators needed to power critical facilities. Teams are assessing needs and installing these generators each day.Other states help through the National Emergency Management Assistance Compact - called EMAC. Mississippi is sending generators to Benton, Ky., to help power shelters housing victims of the storm.FEMA also is fulfilling the commonwealth's requests for diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline. Delivery of a total 80,000 gallons began Saturday at commonwealth staging areas in Greenville and Paducah.Other federal agencies are supporting FEMA as necessary. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has officials in the Kentucky Emergency Operations Center to identify any medical-facility needs.Under President Obama's emergency declaration issued Wednesday, FEMA directs other federal agencies and provides 75 percent federal funding for emergency measures for public health and safety in 61 designated counties.FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.
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Nobody has a problem with anyone questioning Obama in fact many liberals on here have voiced displeasure with certain things he's done as well as some of you rebubs, indies on here have posted in agreement with certain things he's done. The annoying thing is (while other then the constant "media, media, media" crying) is when you continue to post and make it obvious that no matter what you will always find something to complain about because he wasn't your candidate.Christ, if Obama cured cancer you'd complain that that wasn't part of the platform he ran on and what a typical b.s politician he is.
Completely unfair characterization of this thread. No one is really questioning Obama. They are certainly other threads where his special interest bill is being attacked by a whole spectrum of people of all different views. This thread isn't about Obama or even Obama supporters. This was more about a biased media, and Bush haters.
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Completely unfair characterization of this thread. No one is really questioning Obama. They are certainly other threads where his special interest bill is being attacked by a whole spectrum of people of all different views. This thread isn't about Obama or even Obama supporters. This was more about a biased media, and Bush haters.
Go back and read the original post in this thread with a critical eye.It's a copy of either a post or article from somewhere that is unattributed and it's basically just a partisan bashing where we have no idea what thoughts are copied from another source and which are the OP's. There is no mention of the media in it anywhere.
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Go back and read the original post in this thread with a critical eye.It's a copy of either a post or article from somewhere that is unattributed and it's basically just a partisan bashing where we have no idea what thoughts are copied from another source and which are the OP's. There is no mention of the media in it anywhere.
"Isn't it fun when everything is your fault" was an appropriate response to the article. I am not sure where it came from either. That is kind of the point. This kind of coverage was full blown, national, wall to wall bashing of Bush during Katrina. If you think it exagerated or somewhat unfair, then i would agree with you as would the OP (I think). Any chance I get to talk about Katrina and point out the dishonorable coverage by the media I am going to use the opportunity. The dems were able to use Katrina as an indictment of the Bush administration. Don't misunderstand me. I do think Bush deserved some critisism for the mishandling of Katrina. His appointment of Brown to head FEMA was an obvious blunder. All the rest was complete horseshit. There were some people who could have been held more directly responsible but never will be. Where did the billions of Fed dollars go that were sent there to shore up the levi system? Why do you think they will never be held accountable? Let me give you a hint. The same reason Frank Raines can cook the books at Fannie Mae to collect a huge bonus and not go to jail. Back to your original point. After rereading the OP I guess it isn't as obvious a lampoon of the media as I made it out to be.
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Nobody has a problem with anyone questioning Obama in fact many liberals on here have voiced displeasure with certain things he's done as well as some of you rebubs, indies on here have posted in agreement with certain things he's done. The annoying thing is (while other then the constant "media, media, media" crying) is when you continue to post and make it obvious that no matter what you will always find something to complain about because he wasn't your candidate.
So then I should do exactly what the Liberals did for the last 8 years?I'll be happy to praise the man when he does something worthy of praise....
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President BHO upon taking over the White House, as the new Whitehouse.gov website snidely declares:“President Obama will keep the broken promises made by President Bush to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. He and Vice President Biden will take steps to ensure that the federal government will never again allow such catastrophic failures in emergency planning and response to occur.”The site also points out that Obama “visited thousands of Hurricane survivors in the Houston Convention Center and later took three more trips to the region” and worked with the Congressional Black Caucus to help rebuild in the aftermath of Katrina.Change we can believe in...

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