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34,841 as of right now...gotta go to work. If I don't go out after work then I'll knock it out tonight, if I do then it will more than likely be tomorrow morning, with an outside chance it will be tomorrow night.

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34,841 as of right now...gotta go to work. If I don't go out after work then I'll knock it out tonight, if I do then it will more than likely be tomorrow morning, with an outside chance it will be tomorrow night.
very impressive..I didnt think there was any chance this would be accomplished..congrats.
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very impressive..I didnt think there was any chance this would be accomplished..congrats.
Thanks.These last 150 hands are going to be a pain in the ass. I don't want to play them now I may falla sleep, I dont want to wake up early to play them, and I want to go out straight from work tomorrow night. alsdkjfa;sldjf
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Thanks all.I actually had reasons for doing this besides degeneracy.The number one goal was to take my poker sessions more seriously. I would play a hundred hands here, a hundred hands there, I'd bring my laptop into the living room and watch TV and play, into the kitchen and play 50 hands while I ate lunch, etc. I'd be browsing FCP/the internet while I played. I wanted to stop all that. I wanted this to make me focus on poker. To sit down and put in serious sessions. Goal definitely accomplished. I rarely if ever played while watching TV. I still need to cut back on some of the internet browsing while I play, but I got a lot better at it.I also wanted to effectively multi-table better. This goal was accomplished as well. I learned what my limits were and will adjust accordingly in future sessions.Lastly, I wanted to improve my game. I knew I would have to play some regs when I started this, and doing this forced me to think through a lot of decisions as opposed to just clicking buttons. This goal wasn't really accomplished. If I want to improve my game, fine. But it wasn't smart to try to improve by playing regs on 3 of the 4 tables I was sitting at. This got me into button clicking mode because of the number of tables I had up, and defeated the purpose of what I was trying to do. When I was playing 1 or 2 at a time, I felt happy with the way I analyzed their games and tried to exploit their weaknesses. Hopefully this helps me as I move up in levels.The biggest downside to this was the grind. There were dozens of times I wanted to quit and/or not put in a session, and I felt like I had to. This is never a good situation. I likely won't be putting 35k hands in again anytime soon, but I am happy I went though the experience.

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