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Friday Night Stakes

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Well this sucks pretty hard... thanks for the stake magnusPokerStars Game #21852032536: Tournament #119103055, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/11/08 0:48:27 ETTable '119103055 5' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: $karFizzzle (3825 in chips) Seat 2: upchamps98 (7250 in chips) Seat 3: magnus72fcp (945 in chips) Seat 4: dipster7 (8180 in chips) Seat 5: KILLERJOE77 (6015 in chips) Seat 6: Whatsupma3 (2425 in chips) Seat 7: JRPP (4235 in chips) Seat 8: GlenWilliams (4845 in chips) $karFizzzle: posts small blind 75upchamps98: posts big blind 150*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Whatsupma3 [Jc Js]magnus72fcp: folds dipster7: folds KILLERJOE77: folds Whatsupma3: raises 300 to 450JRPP: folds GlenWilliams: folds $karFizzzle: calls 375upchamps98: folds *** FLOP *** [2s 3c Ts]$karFizzzle: bets 750Whatsupma3: raises 1225 to 1975 and is all-in$karFizzzle: calls 1225*** TURN *** [2s 3c Ts] [7h]*** RIVER *** [2s 3c Ts 7h] [4h]*** SHOW DOWN ***$karFizzzle: shows [4s 7s] (two pair, Sevens and Fours)Whatsupma3: shows [Jc Js] (a pair of Jacks)$karFizzzle said, "hh"$karFizzzle said, "gg"$karFizzzle collected 5000 from pot$karFizzzle said, "7"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5000 | Rake 0 Board [2s 3c Ts 7h 4h]Seat 1: $karFizzzle (small blind) showed [4s 7s] and won (5000) with two pair, Sevens and FoursSeat 2: upchamps98 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: magnus72fcp folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: dipster7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: KILLERJOE77 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Whatsupma3 showed [Jc Js] and lost with a pair of JacksSeat 7: JRPP folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: GlenWilliams (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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your sports number... you're a defensive lineman huh?
you got it, althought I was to slow for defense but coule play every offensive line position, They used me in practice as a fullbak against the starting offense having the ninth graders blcok for me and I would get like 6 yards a carry. We had a crappy football team.Is it bucketfcp ill ship the stake to ya.
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Well this sucks pretty hard... thanks for the stake magnusPokerStars Game #21852032536: Tournament #119103055, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/11/08 0:48:27 ETTable '119103055 5' 9-max Seat #8 is the buttonSeat 1: $karFizzzle (3825 in chips) Seat 2: upchamps98 (7250 in chips) Seat 3: magnus72fcp (945 in chips) Seat 4: dipster7 (8180 in chips) Seat 5: KILLERJOE77 (6015 in chips) Seat 6: Whatsupma3 (2425 in chips) Seat 7: JRPP (4235 in chips) Seat 8: GlenWilliams (4845 in chips) $karFizzzle: posts small blind 75upchamps98: posts big blind 150*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Whatsupma3 [Jc Js]magnus72fcp: folds dipster7: folds KILLERJOE77: folds Whatsupma3: raises 300 to 450JRPP: folds GlenWilliams: folds $karFizzzle: calls 375upchamps98: folds *** FLOP *** [2s 3c Ts]$karFizzzle: bets 750Whatsupma3: raises 1225 to 1975 and is all-in$karFizzzle: calls 1225*** TURN *** [2s 3c Ts] [7h]*** RIVER *** [2s 3c Ts 7h] [4h]*** SHOW DOWN ***$karFizzzle: shows [4s 7s] (two pair, Sevens and Fours)Whatsupma3: shows [Jc Js] (a pair of Jacks)$karFizzzle said, "hh"$karFizzzle said, "gg"$karFizzzle collected 5000 from pot$karFizzzle said, "7"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5000 | Rake 0 Board [2s 3c Ts 7h 4h]Seat 1: $karFizzzle (small blind) showed [4s 7s] and won (5000) with two pair, Sevens and FoursSeat 2: upchamps98 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: magnus72fcp folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: dipster7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: KILLERJOE77 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: Whatsupma3 showed [Jc Js] and lost with a pair of JacksSeat 7: JRPP folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: GlenWilliams (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
saw that im still in there fighting hope you had fun
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Though I couldn't use it anyway, I gotta imagine your going for drunk. So Canadian.
wish i could get my hands on some of that.Im playing like crap TheWynn you gotta take her down lol.edit: gg
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OK Stake Pie I will give you another one. Tucker I shipped you one lol after you took down that turbo so if you play it good luck if not, ship it back lolIm 4/4 at another final table and still up boozing.

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OK Stake Pie I will give you another one. Tucker I shipped you one lol after you took down that turbo so if you play it good luck if not, ship it back lolIm 4/4 at another final table and still up boozing.
lol...huzzah! I'll TID for ya......and you run pretty damn good when your drunk lol
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Just hop in one, im sure I wont be awake to see the end of it, but if you post the numbeer and Im still here I might hop in.Edit: I hopped in tehe same one 2339 glglgl

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3 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: magnus72, BeaverStyleBeaver I will give you an early morning stake if you want one. lol im still drunk getting my third wind.

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3 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: magnus72, BeaverStyleBeaver I will give you an early morning stake if you want one. lol im still drunk getting my third wind.
haha, way to be, sir! I got rather hammered last night too... don't think I'm in the state to play a 4.40. Thanks for the offer though, maybe some other time? And I'm gonna guess that you were drinking PBR.
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No I said in the 440 rail thread I was drinking BuschLight, which i prety much grew up on and is cheaper then hell. PM me later and Ill ship you one if im around. LOL what a rollercoaster night, and Im up 20 more bucks then my account shows becasue I shipped it to Serge.I need to stay away from the $12 turbos, I think I broke even on them tonight but I can see a big losing streak in them.

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