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Early Hand In A 4.40

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $4.00+$0.40 Tournament, 10/20 Blinds (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comUTG+1 (t3110)MP1 (t1210)MP2 (t1480)MP3 (t1620)CO (t1440)Button (t1420)SB (t1400)Hero (BB) (t1500)UTG (t1800)Hero's M: 50.00Preflop: Hero is BB with Aclub.gif, Kspade.gif1 fold, UTG+1 calls t20, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t180, 2 folds, Button calls t180, 1 fold, Hero raises to t340, 1 fold, MP2 calls t160, Button calls t160Flop: (t1050) Qdiamond.gif, Jclub.gif, Jspade.gif(3 players)Hero checks, MP2 checks, Button checksTurn: (t1050) 9club.gif(3 players)Hero checks, MP2 bets t140, 1 fold, Hero calls t140River: (t1330) 4club.gif(2 players)Hero checks, MP2 bets t200, Hero calls t200Total pot: t1730Do I automatically cbet the flop since Im out of position. I know I screwed up with the min raise. Is my river call ok?

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First, you didn't 3bet enough preflop. Really, playing this hand is really tricky because if you 3bet to a 550ish amount which is a little more standard and they come along, you are committed to the hand and are pretty much shoving any flop. I think flatting this overbet preflop then cbet any flop is your best option imo, although I often just shove AK in that sort of position early in a 4.40.I really have no idea what you think you are ahead of here. If you check/call the turn and he fires again with a bigger amount, do you think it's a bluff? I would think that it's a weaker pair here most of the time rather than a bluff, something like TT that gives him a reason to fire on the turn. I'd give that up on the river for sure even though you are getting good odds. You really don't have a hand.

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AK is so overrated preflop. People play it like AA or KK, but unlike those two hands, you need to hit the flop with AK to give it value. It's only a step above AQ IMO, and probably should be played more like AQ than AA.Why are we min-reraising pre? What are you looking to do with that raise? If you want to fold somebody, it needs to be bigger, and at these stakes this early in the tourney, if either guy has a pair of 9's or better, he may not fold to a 3bet even if you shove.

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I would also just shove preflop. With an opening pre raise to 180, I would think he obviously has a hand he wants to play and, since this is basically the first hand I would definitely gamble my stack here. Another reason to shove would be to force out the button and contest the pot heads up.

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