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Daniel, Let me first say that I am going to vote for Obama, so we're on the same side. However, unlike you, I can fairly evaluate both sides.In your blog, you say that the Republicans started the experience issue. In fact it was Hilary that started it. For the last year, she's been says that Obama is not experienced to lead. Now she's saying he is. THAT"S politics as usual.And as far as VP picks. Do you not think it was politics that made Obama pick Biden? Now he can say "See, we have an old white guy too." Obama picked Biden to get over the experience factor and pick up votes. McCain pick Palin to pick up votes also. I support Obama, too, but call a spade a spade. They all play the same game. On the age issue, you're dead wrong. Hisotory has a long list of great leaders in business and politics in their 70's and even 80's. It's a weak argument at best. You talk about racism, and sexism, but you're practicing ageism.

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My favorite part of the Blog:

...On the way back from Beverly Center my navigator said it was 12 miles to my hotel... 12 miles took 90 minutes! I hate LA, hate that traffic with such a passion I can't even put it into words...
Limousine Liberals apparently now Drive LincolnsFuel efficiency is so "inconvenient". Much more convenient to drive a massive Gas Guzzling Luxury SUVs.
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My favorite part of the Blog:Limousine Liberals apparently now Drive LincolnsFuel efficiency is so "inconvenient". Much more convenient to drive a massive Gas Guzzling Luxury SUVs.
Wanna bet he was referring to the GPS as "His Navigator" and that wasn't what he was driving ?
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My favorite part of the Blog:Limousine Liberals apparently now Drive LincolnsFuel efficiency is so "inconvenient". Much more convenient to drive a massive Gas Guzzling Luxury SUVs.
you should probably edit your post before you look stupid.He didn't capitalize the N. He was talking about his Tom Tom or Garmin navigator I believe.
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Wanna bet he was referring to the GPS as "His Navigator" and that wasn't what he was driving ?
Stay out of this Bob. Politics isn't for you.
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I acctualy agree with everything in the OP, though I don't follow DN's view on politics or what he said so i can't agree if you're accurate enough.

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Wanna bet he was referring to the GPS as "His Navigator" and that wasn't what he was driving ?
you should probably edit your post before you look stupid.He didn't capitalize the N. He was talking about his Tom Tom or Garmin navigator I believe.
Too late.I'll take the "look stupid" award for the day......again.
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Too late.I'll take the "look stupid" award for the day......again.
Nahhh...if English wasnt his second language Daniel would have been more clear. :club: And be thankful that he is a better poker mind than political mind or we wouldnt have this site to make fun of his myopia. It isnt totally his fault, growing up in a country where politics runs from pink to red.
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It isnt totally his fault, growing up in a country where politics runs from pink to red.
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