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Jimmy Fallon To Replace Conan On "late Night"

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This seems to me to be a mistake of epic proportionsLook at the Conan hire - funny guy with no on air experience who grew into the job with originality and smartsJimmy Fallon - lots of on air experience not especially given to the intellectual - no room for growth - lots of room for extreme awkwardness

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Baaaa zing
I don't care who you are, nah, that's jus' funny.
This seems to me to be a mistake of epic proportionsLook at the Conan hire - funny guy with no on air experience who grew into the job with originality and smartsJimmy Fallon - lots of on air experience not especially given to the intellectual - no room for growth - lots of room for extreme awkwardness
Maybe they're thinking is that the awkwardness will be cute and endearing?
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OK he's fallen in recent years, and made a lot of shitty movies but:Caddyshack Fletch Vacation
hmm funnny.. it seems to me... I heard this.. from someone before.. oh wait, it was me.
I don't know, but he did literally the worst talk show ever made. Pretty much, as soon as he went to re-hab in the early 80's, he started to suck royally. I do really like he's early stuff, like Fletch, the first vacation and Caddyshack. The rest of his catalog is.. um.. we'll say spotty, to be kind.
Next time read the whole thread, plz. oh, and Chase sucks.
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This seems to me to be a mistake of epic proportionsLook at the Conan hire - funny guy with no on air experience who grew into the job with originality and smartsJimmy Fallon - lots of on air experience not especially given to the intellectual - no room for growth - lots of room for extreme awkwardness
But they guy knows a lot of people in the business so he will probably know/have some relationship with the people he will be interviewing.
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