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Jj In Bb Facing Raise And Reraise

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)SB ($32.25)Hero ($35.65)UTG ($32.20)MP ($9.50)CO ($28.05)Button ($24.65)Preflop: Hero is BB with J :club: , J :ts . 2 folds, CO raises to $0.75, Button raises to $3.25, 1 fold, Hero ?CO is 18/7/4 through 60Button is 7/0/inf through 14Easy laydown?

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Hmmm toughie. Button's stats are pretty meaningless, CO is obviously been aggro over his 60 hands but button hasn't been at the table long enough to realise that (I assume) so this is unlikely a re-steal. I don't like re-raising again. I think I call to try and spike a J. If the flop is all undercards then you're in trouble obviously. I'll wait to see how others respond and if you saw a flop.

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Easy laydown?
Are you nuts?CO raises, button knows that the CO is going to be openin fairly wide, so buttons re-raising is also fairly wide, you need a far more compelling reason to lay down JJ PF, i pop it to #$8-9 which means we're probably going to have to call a shove as well.
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Are you nuts?CO raises, button knows that the CO is going to be openin fairly wide, so buttons re-raising is also fairly wide, you need a far more compelling reason to lay down JJ PF, i pop it to #$8-9 which means we're probably going to have to call a shove as well.
Exactly the reason I don't want to reraise here. And although button's stats are meaningless at this point, through 14 he has not raised preflop and is now reraising on the button. I think we can assume in most cases his range is fairly tight here. At this level I don't try to give players the benefit of the doubt and assume they are thinking players (i.e. I don't assume this is a light 3bet) unless I have a history with them.I think it's a call/fold scenario, curious on what other people do in this spot. I realize JJ is on the verge of a premium hand, but I think being OOP postflop is also a huge disadvantage.
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reraise is a huge leak IMO, we're going to get shoved on by hands that crush us and we shouldn't call.I call the 3bet, hope for a jack, and reevaluate flop.

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People who are saying this is 100% anything or an easy anything are just wrong.With this hand in this spot, you can easily make valid arguments for why you should fold, call, reraise and fold to a shove or reraise and call a shove.I think I'd lean towards reraise/call shove because the button's hand looks a lot like AK/AQ/TT type hands where he wants the hand to be over with preflop because of the abnormally large 3 bet size that he made.Calling is fine too if you have that read of his hand because you know what are likely good flops for you.I think that reraise/call shove=call>reraise/fold to shove>fold.

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People who are saying this is 100% anything or an easy anything are just wrong.With this hand in this spot, you can easily make valid arguments for why you should fold, call, reraise and fold to a shove or reraise and call a shove.I think I'd lean towards reraise/call shove because the button's hand looks a lot like AK/AQ/TT type hands where he wants the hand to be over with preflop because of the abnormally large 3 bet size that he made.Calling is fine too if you have that read of his hand because you know what are likely good flops for you.I think that reraise/call shove=call>reraise/fold to shove>fold.
I agree somewhat with this, but QQ - AA is definitely in his range which I'm sure you implied. I think I'm behind his range overall, and if I flat call, my flop play is pretty difficult unless I flop a Jack. I hate getting it all in here preflop because I feel that I'm either a coinflip or behind. Again realistically the only way I'm ahead here is if villain has TT, and even then he might not be obliged to get it all in with that.
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