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Ft 2/7 In $4.40 That Psujohn Staked Me In!

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Tourney #75325172This is from the $4.40 "finder's fee" that PSUJohn sent to me for reminding him of the 100k freeroll that he cashed in!Come rail! Because John told me if I get deep just "pay it forward" to other FCP'ers so if I get deep enough, i'm gonna "pay if forward" tonight with a couple stakes!

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GL luck man, It's always fun to win when you are on a stake!
Actually, now that I actually think about it, it wasn't even a stake. More of a "finders fee" if you will for reminding him of the tourney and in which he cashed in.TYTY though, this has been fun.
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GG. Very well played...super bad luck at the end. Quite the joke. I thought you could e-mail support for any sit and go or tourney and request a chop...at least that is what I was told. Is this not true? I've never tried.

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GG. Very well played...super bad luck at the end. Quite the joke. I thought you could e-mail support for any sit and go or tourney and request a chop...at least that is what I was told. Is this not true? I've never tried.
Yeah, but you need to title the e-mail something like 'URGENT; chop wanted at tournament #XXXXXXXX'It'll still take about 5 minutes for them to show up.But who the hell chops a $4.40 anyway
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Thanks for the rail guys. I didn't want to chop at all. Ill do some stakes later this afternoon!

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