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My First Royal.

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So I'm currently playing the $33 10k gtd on Pokerstars that started at 5:00 est. And as I'm writing this we are only 45 minutes in. I've been running good so far and I've managed to get a double early. I was up to 5.6k when "the hand" occured.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Button (t2405)SB (t2805)BB (t5085)Hero (t5650)UTG+1 (t2845)MP1 (t2740)MP2 (t6195)MP3 (t4470)CO (t5010)Preflop: Hero is UTG with Aclub.gif, Jclub.gif. Hero raises to t175, 4 folds, CO calls t175, 2 folds, BB calls t125.Flop: (t550) Jheart.gif, Theart.gif, Kclub.gif(3 players)BB checks, Hero bets t300, CO folds, BB calls t300.Turn: (t1150) Tclub.gif(2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.River: (t1150) Qclub.gif(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets t1050, BB calls t1050.I made a pot size bet because I was almost positive he had a straight and maybe even if he hit runner runner flush, theres that small chance he'd come over the top of me. But oh well i'll take it. With this good running of cards in the first hour I'm almost positive I'll go card dead in rd. 2. Thats just the standard for me. Oh well. I just wanted to get in the mix of the Royal Threads b/c i've seen a few within the past days.WEeeeeeeeeeee one tyme lee!ps- i also would like to know how else how YOU would play that river bet since I had position on the villain. How much of a river bet would you throw out there?thanks ahead, jC

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (8 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)UTG (t1930)UTG+1 (t2235)MP1 (t8290)Hero (t8350)CO (t2495)Button (t9175)SB (t5360)BB (t3687)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 7diamond.gif, 9diamond.gif. 3 folds, Hero raises to t410, 1 fold, Button calls t410, 2 folds.Flop: (t1045) 6diamond.gif, 3diamond.gif, 9club.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button checks.Turn: (t1045) Tdiamond.gif(2 players)Hero bets t750, Button raises to t3000, Hero raises to t7940, Button calls t4940.River: (t16925) 4spade.gif(2 players)Final Pot: t16925

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You're on a roll, when is the rail topic being made?
Haha. This was suppose to be JUST a royal thread. Then all this happens. So i just figured to ride this big wave for what its worth. Plus i think updating this thread with HH will keep me on my toes and not do anything stupid so i wont get flamed by fellow FCPers :club::D and as im typing this, this happens. Dealt to jcashx36x [8h 8d]pookiepoker1: folds Spurs79: folds boxnkangaroo: folds BoydStreet: folds Mr.White68: raises 365 to 565sonw: folds jcashx36x: raises 1085 to 1650OverTheWell: folds srebbeg: folds Mr.White68: calls 1085*** FLOP *** [7h 6d 2d]Mr.White68: bets 400jcashx36x: raises 2600 to 3000Mr.White68: calls 2565 and is all-in*** TURN *** [7h 6d 2d] [Js]*** RIVER *** [7h 6d 2d Js] [3h]*** SHOW DOWN ***Mr.White68: shows [7c 7s] (three of a kind, Sevens)jcashx36x: shows [8h 8d] (a pair of Eights)jcashx36x said, "amazing"jcashx36x said, "nh"Mr.White68 collected 9530 from poti guess i gotta take that bad with the good and the ugly. Carry on!
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haha and this.Dealt to jcashx36x [6s 6c]Mr.White68: folds sonw: folds jcashx36x: raises 455 to 755OverTheWell: raises 1830 to 2585 and is all-insrebbeg: folds pookiepoker1: folds Spurs79: folds boxnkangaroo: folds BoydStreet: folds jcashx36x: calls 1830*** FLOP *** [Tc Jc 6h]*** TURN *** [Tc Jc 6h] [Kh]*** RIVER *** [Tc Jc 6h Kh] [7c]*** SHOW DOWN ***jcashx36x: shows [6s 6c] (three of a kind, Sixes)OverTheWell: shows [Ks Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)OverTheWell collected 5845 from pot9.8k after he 2 outer'd my 2outer, The wave has officially died.

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LIFE!Dealt to jcashx36x [Ac Qd]Spurs79: folds boxnkangaroo: folds BoydStreet: folds Mr.White68: folds iTzGRINDT1mE is connected sonw: folds jcashx36x: raises 490 to 790OverTheWell: raises 1010 to 1800srebbeg: folds jcashx36x: calls 1010*** FLOP *** [8h 4d Ad]OverTheWell: bets 3000jcashx36x: raises 3000 to 6000OverTheWell: calls 2405 and is all-in*** TURN *** [8h 4d Ad] [Kd]*** RIVER *** [8h 4d Ad Kd] [2d]*** SHOW DOWN ***OverTheWell: shows [Ah 9c] (a pair of Aces)jcashx36x: shows [Ac Qd] (a flush, Ace high)jcashx36x collected 14910 from pot17k

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blast 'em in the ovaries, sir.
Shiet....I'll be the one getting blasted for this thread making as soon as i go bust in this tourny, since i was off to a HOT start. I know it. LOLedit : reached 2nd break.Stack: largest 50545, smallest 453, average 12500Your current position is 48 out of 127 12,820tryin to stay afloat w/avg. stack
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Mr. White has been shoving AIPF on the button w/12BB ish when its folded around to him. And the we're seated, im the one always stuck on the BB when he shovels.He's pulled this move off successfully 2x already since rd. 2 started.thankfully the 3rd time i wake up with a hand, and i actually hold.Dealt to jcashx36x [Kh Kd]luckyshades: folds mak10: folds iTzGRINDT1mE: folds osina100: folds supbod: folds bouguinight: folds Mr.White68: raises 6436 to 7036 and is all-insonw: folds jcashx36x: calls 6436*** FLOP *** [2d 2c Qh]*** TURN *** [2d 2c Qh] [6d]*** RIVER *** [2d 2c Qh 6d] [As]*** SHOW DOWN ***jcashx36x: shows [Kh Kd] (two pair, Kings and Deuces)Mr.White68: shows [8h 7h] (a pair of Deuces)jcashx36x collected 14822 from potStack: largest 60742, smallest 1255, average 16935Your current position is 25 out of 9322,151

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Nice, what places are paid and how much for the FT?
Still a definite long shot, lots of poker still to be played. Also the blinds are creeping up on us. Currently it stands 500/1k/100. Things are going to get ugly soon.But here it is.525 runners. 63 ITM$3.8k FTWStack: largest 81835, smallest 3780, average 24230Your current position is 33 out of 6617k aka not looking too good :club:
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Still a definite long shot, lots of poker still to be played. Also the blinds are creeping up on us. Currently it stands 500/1k/100. Things are going to get ugly soon.But here it is.525 runners. 63 ITM$3.8k FTWStack: largest 81835, smallest 3780, average 24230Your current position is 33 out of 6617k aka not looking too good :club:
Can't rail cause at work, but your stack size seems fine. You are slightly below average, but people start getting crazy once their ITM, so just play smart now.Lunch break now, so I'll check back a bit later. GL and run gooot.
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Can't rail cause at work, but your stack size seems fine. You are slightly below average, but people start getting crazy once their ITM, so just play smart now.
Same here, hope he posts some key hands here.
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::sigh::Dealt to jcashx36x [Kd Ah]Nürnberger: raises 6561 to 7761 and is all-inosina100: folds supbod: folds bouguinight: raises 6561 to 14322supreamdream: folds sonw: folds jcashx36x: raises 4624 to 18946 and is all-inPenguin4560: folds bouguinight: calls 4624*** FLOP *** [2c Ts Jh]*** TURN *** [2c Ts Jh] [4s]*** RIVER *** [2c Ts Jh 4s] [Ks]*** SHOW DOWN ***jcashx36x: shows [Kd Ah] (a pair of Kings)bouguinight: shows [Qd Ac] (a straight, Ten to Ace)bouguinight collected 22370 from side potNürnberger: shows [Th Ad] (a pair of Tens)osina100 said, "lol"bouguinight collected 25483 from main potXK Red 27 is connected *** SUMMARY ***miracles.....thanks for the support tho guys.jC

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