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So I'm a young college student living in Las Vegas. I'm from the bay area originally and have been playing poker live since 18, but I feel like i have really come into my own as a player in the last few month. I have been crushing 1-2 and 1-3 games with avengence and really feeling great about how much more consistant my play has become.I was playing a long session at Caesars a few days ago and running over a table of fairly weak exploitable players and was rolling up what shaped up to be a large profit night. To my left was a middle aged guy who spoke in a new york accent and had no clue how to play poker. We got to talking, he told me to his a medium to large volume sports betting adviser, and after 6 hours or so of play he pulls me to the side away from the table for a little chat. He tells me he think I play great and he wants to set me up to play poker for him. This is something I haven't been asked before and I really didnt know what to say. What I did tell him was that i would think about it and let him know that if we did come to an agreement that I had never played with any money but my own and it would something completely new to me.So my question to the forum is this, What should I expect if I was to get stake? What should i be looking for in a deal, and what are the downsides to the obvious ups of having a larger more flexable bank roll?Thank You for you Help in advance.

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Ask yourself these things...-How long have I known this guy?-Is he really who he says he is?-Can I trust him?-What will he want in return?After asking yourself those things, think about your original question and it will take care of itself.
POB.Please tell me he looked like this:4072.jpg
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i played in a live tourney with the cpt. the other day...i wanted to yell out "do it for brandy" sooooo bad...
Have you guys ever heard Brandy's afterthought? It was on 2+2 I think. She says she calls Doyle to ask him to help her and he hangs up on her because him and Tom are friends. Doyle was looking for some threesome action ;)Oh, and don't say "do it for Brandy." Next time say, "Put your penis in her back, CAP'IN TOM!"
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I was playing a long session at Caesars a few days ago and running over a table of fairly weak exploitable players and was rolling up what shaped up to be a large profit night. To my left was a middle aged guy who spoke in a new york accent and had no clue how to play poker. We got to talking, he told me to his a medium to large volume sports betting adviser, and after 6 hours or so of play he pulls me to the side away from the table for a little chat. He tells me he think I play great and he wants to set me up to play poker for him. This is something I haven't been asked before and I really didnt know what to say. What I did tell him was that i would think about it and let him know that if we did come to an agreement that I had never played with any money but my own and it would something completely new to me.So my question to the forum is this, What should I expect if I was to get stake? What should i be looking for in a deal, and what are the downsides to the obvious ups of having a larger more flexable bank roll?Thank You for you Help in advance.
I'm guessing from the low post count and the nature of this story that this is a joke. In that case, ha ha. Otherwise, read on.So, first recognize that his endorsement means nothing by your own estimation. You are the expert on your own skill level and what stakes you should be playing.Why aren't you playing higher now? Are you underrolled for 2/5? What are you doing with the money you're winning at 1/2 and 1/3?Assuming you make a deal such that your backer takes all the financial risk, you are risking that you may move up to a game that you can't beat and therefore lose out on the profits you would have made. If you choose to give him half at the higher stakes, you obviously lose out on what you could have made if you were playing those stakes with your own money. Since you don't know this guy, you can't be sure of how he will react to your losing his money. So there's a hazard there, also.
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I don't see why 1/2NL players would ever need to be staked. What are you looking for, a big roll so you can move right up to 5/10Nl and get clobbered?If you're a winning 5/10NL player, I can see why you would want to be staked to play the 25/50 or something because there are some fish there along with the good players. But if you're a winning 1/2NL player, even the 5/10NL fish are going to be as good or better than you.Mark

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I don't see why 1/2NL players would ever need to be staked. What are you looking for, a big roll so you can move right up to 5/10Nl and get clobbered?If you're a winning 5/10NL player, I can see why you would want to be staked to play the 25/50 or something because there are some fish there along with the good players. But if you're a winning 1/2NL player, even the 5/10NL fish are going to be as good or better than you.Mark
I don't think you can say anyone that has ever play 5-10 is automatically better than someone that crushes 1/2.To the OP, def ask about terms and ask for some ID/history of the possible stakes
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I'm guessing from the low post count and the nature of this story that this is a joke. In that case, ha ha. Otherwise, read on.So, first recognize that his endorsement means nothing by your own estimation. You are the expert on your own skill level and what stakes you should be playing.Why aren't you playing higher now? Are you underrolled for 2/5? What are you doing with the money you're winning at 1/2 and 1/3?Assuming you make a deal such that your backer takes all the financial risk, you are risking that you may move up to a game that you can't beat and therefore lose out on the profits you would have made. If you choose to give him half at the higher stakes, you obviously lose out on what you could have made if you were playing those stakes with your own money. Since you don't know this guy, you can't be sure of how he will react to your losing his money. So there's a hazard there, also.
Firstly not a joke. That is one of my misgivings, that he doesnt know enough about poker in the first place.Yes at the moment im under rolled for a 2/5 game. My personal comfort at that level would be $7000 unless I watch the game and knew I had an advantage on a few players then my standards are flexable and could sit with what I have now. The money I win stays in my roll except to pay for rent/food.I personally know i can take my game to a 2/5 and win, thats the only reason i would even consider this to begin with, but i dont think its worth it with someone i dont really know all that well.I'll see the guy today most likely, and I'll let you guys know what happens.
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My advice is to peel off 1500 from your current bankroll and sit the 2/5. Fold your marginal hands preflop and concentrate on evaluating the play of your opponents. What mistakes are they making? What are they doing well?If you lose 3 buy-ins, but come to the conclusion that you were unlucky rather than outplayed, then you might need a stake. If you win with your own money and feel good about your play, keep at it.Keep in mind that your win rate might actually be lower in the big game.My point is that this relationship doesn't do anything for you unless both you believe that you can beat the bigger game for a better rate and you don't have the money to do so.

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