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HowziT FCP!First 3 who replies w the 600 post count requirement gets a stake to the 8.80 @ 16:00 (t-minus 50 min.) T# 64644969OBV. no noobs. But the standard 50/50 no stakeback does apply. Must have atleast 600posts. Plz post your Pstars sn/loc. for monitoring.thanks guys and gl,jCps- i'll be leaving for work soon so plz update the thread so i can see how you guys are PWNing :club:Horses: ThePhoenix88, Sagedecarte, King1305, and Doinsublime

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oh then very nice cash :)ive never made it past top30 in those
ty sir. its def. a crapshoot where ppls range is sooo large. YOu can barely put anyone on a hand. my history says its been shipped to you and phoenix. so plz register and log the W .....do it for FCPandyourself
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ty sir. its def. a crapshoot where ppls range is sooo large. YOu can barely put anyone on a hand. my history says its been shipped to you and phoenix. so plz register and log the W .....do it for FCPandyourself
intournament # is 64644969
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OKay guys, so the 3 stakes are shipped. gl to all of u and tid. As an incentive, if u go deep (finish in the top 27) i'll stake u in a 22/180 on the side.aloooha, jC

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gl horsiesi don't have the posts and the poker gods have not really been looking to kindly on me this week.....and i think i'm going to crash out for a bit, so keep us posted

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Are you playing also J? Does anyone want to start up an AIM chatroom? If so post your s/n and I'll start it. Sage sign up for aim.
negative, gotta make $$ the standard way.
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