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$1/2 nl, Caesar's ACVillain in this hand is a woman, new to the table, who sat down with her husband, who's one spot behind her. Haven't played her before, but I recognize the husband -- they're not complete tourists.Hero has ~$350Villain has ~$170Rest of the table has varying amounts, hero definitely isn't the big stack.Preflop, villain raises to $10 UTG. 6 callers. Hero has 65o in the small blind, calls. BB calls as well.Flop (8 players, $80): Q74 rainbow.Hero checks, planning to either call or possibly get stupid-tricky and check-raise depending on how the action proceeds. Probably not folding the only clean draw on this board. bb and villain check, everyone else checks as well.Turn (8 players, $80): 2 rainbow.Hero bets $60. BB folds. Villain thinks, then announces a call. Everyone else folds.River (2 players, $200): 4Hero?Villain only has about $100 left and I cannot possibly win a showdown. Is this an auto-fire situation? If so, does anyone not make the steal attempt on fourth street given that it commits us to firing on the river regardless?

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I would not have bet the turn because then you wind up in awkward spots like this.I do not fire the last shell here. Do you really think she called you without a pair? Is she really gonna fold JJ on the river after that total blank falls for anotehr $100? I would guess not.Also, stereotyping, I read "woman" and she raised UTG and then put more money into the pot and my first thought was "holy hell, be done with the hand" and upon further contemplation, I feel HOLY HELL, BE DONE WITH THE HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Betting the last $100 is probably akin to just lighting it on fire :)You need her to fold 1/3 times to break even. She's probably calling way more often than that.

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check/fold the river.check/fold the turn even, unless the bet is small enough to give you the right odds for those 8 outs.Someone has a pair, I haven't played live much but when I did play 1/2 nobody was folding pairs...With 8 players, someone has a pair.

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$1/2 nl, Caesar's ACVillain in this hand is a woman, new to the table, who sat down with her husband, who's one spot behind her. Haven't played her before, but I recognize the husband -- they're not complete tourists.Hero has ~$350Villain has ~$170Rest of the table has varying amounts, hero definitely isn't the big stack.Preflop, villain raises to $10 UTG. 6 callers. Hero has 65o in the small blind, calls. BB calls as well.Flop (8 players, $80): Q74 rainbow.Hero checks, planning to either call or possibly get stupid-tricky and check-raise depending on how the action proceeds. Probably not folding the only clean draw on this board. bb and villain check, everyone else checks as well.Turn (8 players, $80): 2 rainbow.Hero bets $60. BB folds. Villain thinks, then announces a call. Everyone else folds.River (2 players, $200): 4Hero?Villain only has about $100 left and I cannot possibly win a showdown. Is this an auto-fire situation? If so, does anyone not make the steal attempt on fourth street given that it commits us to firing on the river regardless?
What ever she didn't fold on the turn with rainbow, she's not folding on the river.
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