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Villain is very loose preflop, loves to limp...Hes been in my hair a bit..What is your turn action? C/RAI, lead out? Comments on the flop are appreciated too..I included my line but let me know what you think of itPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Button ($22.80)SB ($116.75)Hero ($114.60)UTG ($74.35)MP ($48.55)Preflop: Hero is BB with ah.gif, th.gif. UTG calls $0.50, 1 fold, Button calls $0.50, 1 fold, Hero checks.Flop: ($1.75) qh.gif, td.gif, 7h.gif(3 players)Hero checks, UTG bets $2, Button folds, Hero raises to $6, UTG raises to $16, Hero calls $10.Turn: ($33.75) ts.gif(2 players)Hero checks, UTG bets $18.5, Hero raises to $60,

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did you even look at the pictures of the cards?
Um, yes. We have middle pair with nut flush draw, when we just call on the flop and miss the turn we are in no man's land. Just check/calling and hoping to hit our hand or C/R semibluffing when it's not nearly as strong as the flop.On the flop we can put this LAG to a decision for his stack when we are almost always ahead. I don't even get what you're saying.
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Um, yes. We have middle pair with nut flush draw, when we just call on the flop and miss the turn we are in no man's land. Just check/calling and hoping to hit our hand or C/R semibluffing when it's not nearly as strong as the flop.On the flop we can put this LAG to a decision for his stack when we are almost always ahead. I don't even get what you're saying.
Not to mention we have top kicker as well, meaning if he has two pair, we are always drawing to a better two pair. On the flop I don't mind just calling after he 3bets you, and on the turn I like how you played it. I might just make it $50 though since you are holding a hand at this point you're never dumping (unless maybe a Q hits the river) and you don't mind letting the villian fish.
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he has QT. i fold.no but seriously. he has QT or 10,7. you're drawing to an ace
If it is there isn't anything you can do, obv.I seriously doubt it is anyway; I think he's posting for a line check, not as an "I GOT BAD BEATED WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO, HE OBVIOUSLY HAD 107 or Q10 BUT WTF" post.Throwemaway - who is your avatar?
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If it is there isn't anything you can do, obv.I seriously doubt it is anyway; I think he's posting for a line check, not as an "I GOT BAD BEATED WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO, HE OBVIOUSLY HAD 107 or Q10 BUT WTF" post.Throwemaway - who is your avatar?
Emmanuelle Chriqui from Entourage..Shes amazingly hot
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Um, yes. We have middle pair with nut flush draw, when we just call on the flop and miss the turn we are in no man's land. Just check/calling and hoping to hit our hand or C/R semibluffing when it's not nearly as strong as the flop.On the flop we can put this LAG to a decision for his stack when we are almost always ahead. I don't even get what you're saying.
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