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A8 On The Button----raise For Value On The End?

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4th hand at this table...no notesPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)CO ($20.70)Hero ($26.75)SB ($6.40)BB ($17.80)UTG ($8.05)UTG+1 ($11.75)MP1 ($15.10)MP2 ($11.75)Preflop: Hero is Button with Adiamond.gif, 8diamond.gif. 2 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.25, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: ($1) Aclub.gif, Kspade.gif, 2diamond.gif(4 players)SB checks, BB bets $0.25, MP1 calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1, SB folds, BB folds, MP1 calls $0.75.Turn: ($3.25) 8heart.gif(2 players)MP1 checks, Hero bets $2.5, MP1 calls $2.50.River: ($8.25) 9heart.gif(2 players)Villian Checks.....Hero???Are there enough bad Aces that will call here...or am I only getting called by something that beats me?

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Raising the flop is a very questionable play, I'd be looking more to fold it.And yes, value betting the river is fine. If he comes over the top though, I think its a fold every time.

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Raising the flop is a very questionable play, I'd be looking more to fold it.
soo...i dont play NL ring games much (atleast not online)but folding this flop for a minbet seems really badid raise preflop to isolate the limper
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Smells like Ace with an unpaired kicker to me. I value bet (which should work out most of the time), but probably would get cold feet facing a large re-raise.

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Raising the flop is a very questionable play, I'd be looking more to fold it.And yes, value betting the river is fine. If he comes over the top though, I think its a fold every time.
I dunno that raising the flop is a bad play when the villain min-bet. I think we get the best value out of a 1/3 to 1/2 pot sized bet here.
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In situations like this I always have trouble deciding whether to raise the flop or call to see if he'll fire a 2nd shot. I tend to opt for calling more often than raising because it disguises your hand a bit better (he doesn't know if you're calling down with a decent Ace, a weak Ace, a good King, drawing, trapping with a set, etc). The flop raise tends to narrow your range quite a bit in his eyes (I think).As played a river bet is probably good. He obviously has a good enough hand (he thinks) to call your flop raise and decent-sized turn lead, so I can't see him folding a good Ace on the river. And you're 2 pair is nicely disguised. He may think you're overplaying a mediocre Ace or good King.

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