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Villain is 26/17/3.8Absolute PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $0.25/$0.506 playersConverterSeat 3 - bbb ($43.85 in chips)Seat 4 - aaa ($26.40 in chips)Seat 5 - HERO ($55 in chips)Seat 6 - zzz ($38.95 in chips)Seat 1 - yyy ($42.30 in chips)Seat 2 - Villain ($99.25 in chips)Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is BB with A :club: A :D2 folds, CO raises to $2, 2 folds, Hero raises to $6.5, CO calls.Flop: 7 :D 4 :) 6 :D ($13.25, 2 players)Hero bets $8.5, CO calls.Turn: 4 :D ($30.25, 2 players)Hero?

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the bottom card pairing is most likely the best card in the deck for you, as an ace may kill your action. In the smaller games i would just bet here and not try and get too tricky with c/raises because people tend to call fairly weak. I put in a sizeable bet here and go broke if he pushes, seems unlikely that he would have a hand to beat you the way it played out unless he floped a set.

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If he's as aggressive as his stats suggest, I don't mind a CRAI. I also kind of like a weak lead here that he'll want to raise. I guess the question becomes: How often does he have a draw and how often will he bet if we check to him.There's nothign wrong with just leading again here.

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Gotta lead out, he's not going to have called your pre-flop re-raise with a 4 unless he's a complete moron.In this situation he's probably drawing thin, but luckily he's probably thinking the same about you. Be aggressive and make him pay you off which he probably will do.

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