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Two weeks ago, I would've 3-bet this all day, but I'm trying something different now. No reads on villain, as this is one of the first hands that happened in the session.Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)CO ($98.85)Button ($100)SB ($56.40)Hero ($103)UTG ($81)MP ($26.05)Preflop: Hero is BB with Tclub.gif, Aclub.gif. 1 fold, MP calls $1, 1 fold, Button raises to $4.5, 1 fold, Hero calls $3.50, MP folds.Flop: ($10.50) 6heart.gif, 9club.gif, Adiamond.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $8, Hero calls $8.Turn: ($26.50) Jspade.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $18, Hero calls $18.River: ($62.50) Tspade.gif(2 players)Hero...The turn should've been a fold, right? Do we go for the c/r on the river or value bet?

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bet river.most of the time i don't think he bets here with anything you beat. the sort of pot control-ish line he took on the turn doesn't make it likely that he holds the A6/A9 it would take to bet here. if he bets with AQ/AK, it's going to be smaller than the bet he would probably call if you led (and he folds to the c/r). there is also the possibility that he was betting the 78 that got there. i think it's unlikely since unless villain is not paying attention, he should take the free card on the turn when you call on that dry board. but still, if he does have 78, you also lose more $ because a c/r probably commits you into calling a push.the turn - i dunno. i'm not sure i fold either. villain's OTB, the bet isn't *that* much and there are a lot of river cards that will cause him to check behind with a better A, thus i think often we're not seeing another bet on the river.

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value bet, you've been tagging along on each street (making it seem like your slowplaying a monster). villain will most likely check behind you, so bet bet bet

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Well, it seems to me that every card that could have possibly came off to scare your opp (if you have him beat) did. He can no longer beat any reasonable ace, and if you had the only real draw on the flop, you hit it. I think you still have some value on the river, although how much I'm not sure. If he raises a river bet, you have to be losing, but I also think he will still call a 1/2 pot sized bet on the river almost every time with AK or AQ, which he'd probably check if given the option. (If he's a thinking player of course.) Just kind of speculating though...... the call on the turn is super tough without info.

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such weird overthinking. this is a hand wherein you have many likely holdings beat. if you don't, accept you're going to lose some money and move on.it feels like you want people to tell you it was OK to lose money to AJ.it was OK to lose money to AJ here.

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I would throw out a bet of about 1/2 the pot. I don't know, the turn bet looks like a scared bet to me. Like he has some sort small pp or a weak Ace. My guess is that he folds to the river bet but if you don't bet it he will check behind.

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Two weeks ago, I would've 3-bet this all day, but I'm trying something different now. No reads on villain, as this is one of the first hands that happened in the session.Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)CO ($98.85)Button ($100)SB ($56.40)Hero ($103)UTG ($81)MP ($26.05)Preflop: Hero is BB with Tclub.gif, Aclub.gif. 1 fold, MP calls $1, 1 fold, Button raises to $4.5, 1 fold, Hero calls $3.50, MP folds.Flop: ($10.50) 6heart.gif, 9club.gif, Adiamond.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $8, Hero calls $8.Turn: ($26.50) Jspade.gif(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $18, Hero calls $18.River: ($62.50) Tspade.gif(2 players)Hero...The turn should've been a fold, right? Do we go for the c/r on the river or value bet?
We sucked out and found our three outer against AK/AQ, so we might as well pump the pot. Way to call from behind.
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Like I said in my original post, I usually 3-bet this pf. However, the argument for not raising is that raising would knock out all the lower aces but keep all the higher aces in, which is why I decided to just call. But look at the situation I was in here. On the turn, I had no idea whether I was ahead or behind. I'm wondering whether this should be a fold against an unknown.... or maybe I'm being results oriented.Results: I bet 45 on the river, and after long deliberation, villain called. My A10 is good against villain's A9 and I take the pot down. Feels good to be the one sucking out for a change.

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Like I said in my original post, I usually 3-bet this pf. However, the argument for not raising is that raising would knock out all the lower aces but keep all the higher aces in, which is why I decided to just call. But look at the situation I was in here. On the turn, I had no idea whether I was ahead or behind. I'm wondering whether this should be a fold against an unknown.... or maybe I'm being results oriented.Results: I bet 45 on the river, and after long deliberation, villain called. My A10 is good against villain's A9 and I take the pot down. Feels good to be the one sucking out for a change.
Hmm. Would've expected A9 to bet 20 or more on the turn to charge 78, find out if AJ had just sucked out on him, and/or extract way more value from A6.Still iffy about the turn. OTB usually checks behind on the turn with a weak ace and hopes to either pick off a busted draw or get a free showdown. At the same time, I see an OTB villain two-barrelling without an ace, even against this flop, often enough at 6 max that I'm sort of torn.
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Like I said in my original post, I usually 3-bet this pf. However, the argument for not raising is that raising would knock out all the lower aces but keep all the higher aces in, which is why I decided to just call. But look at the situation I was in here. On the turn, I had no idea whether I was ahead or behind. I'm wondering whether this should be a fold against an unknown.... or maybe I'm being results oriented.Results: I bet 45 on the river, and after long deliberation, villain called. My A10 is good against villain's A9 and I take the pot down. Feels good to be the one sucking out for a change.
One word comes to mind: monstrosity. (as in: "something hideous or frightful")
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I really can't believe he called, that's a terrible river card for him. He's beating like absolutely nothing. Though, I am happy for you haha.

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It seems like this hand (and at least one previous one that I don't remember the details of) illustrates a point: the check-call, check-call, bet out the river line usually signifies a good deal of strength, as it is often either a vastly improved hand or a slowplay that got anxious. I'm not saying you can play it any other way, as a lot of hands check behind this river, so I definitely bet out; but that shows why this type of line often means strength.

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