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Have I Ever Mentioned That I Hate Donkbets?

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Absolute PokerLimit Holdem Ring gameLimit: $3/$64 playersConverterPre-flop: (4 players) Hero is Button with 8 :D 8 :D UTG calls, Hero raises, SB folds, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: J :D K :club: 4 :D (6.67SB, 3 players)BB bets, UTG folds, Hero raises...I seem to recall villain donking several times, but I've never been able to see what he's donking with, thus no notes.HUD stats are 38/14/1.17 after 272 hands.

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it's not a bad play i don't think, it could go either way...if he's been doing this more than once, i think it's a good spot to put this guy in line and let him know that if he tries to take the lead away from you on the flop that he'll have to put three bets in to do it

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I raise donkbets routinely with hands like this if someone donks a lot. We beat a lot of garbage draws or bottom pair A kicker types of hands in these spots, and we curb the behavior for later on. A lot of the time we can also get a J to fold if an A or Q falls on the turn. I don't really like a call at all, it leaves us in a gross spot for the rest of the hand, so raise or fold here.

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Have I Ever Mentioned That I Hate Donkbets?
I love donkbets.My intention is to get x bets in per street.But it is even better when Villain puts a bet in for me!- I can now raise with my good hands and get 2 or more bets in.- I can now close the action (by checking and still getting my 1 bet) without any fear of the dreaded check-raise.It is a beautiful situation!--------------I think a raise in this situation is only ok if you have a complete plan on how you will play the rest of the hand.Are you betting the turn and taking a free showdown?Surely you will fold to a turn check-raise.But will you fold to another donk-bet on the turn?If Villain often donk-bets multiple streets, then your line could get very expensive.Against an unknown, I fold the flop with 3rd pair.Against a donk-bluffer, I have no problems making a passive call.- Give him more chances to bet with a lesser hand.- A raise my not give me control of the hand. Donk bettors often donk the next street as well.- He may actually be ahead. So raising it could definitely lead to more losses for meSummary:I can play this 3 different ways depending on my read of the donk-bettors--CM
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Of course I had a plan.I raised, he called. I bet turn, he called, I checked behind.He showed QTo.
So the river was a 9 and he missed his check raise on the river?Oh wait that's how my lines go. Always reveling in the fact that they missed bets with their suckouts :club:
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