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Everything posted by jeramy576

  1. out kept running into hands.oh f*ck it
  2. up to $16K keep busting small stacks.CrazyLeggs21table 13
  3. can't get any action on my big hands.But atleast some donk didn't call and beat me.At About $7300.
  4. running over my table at will.Up to 4460 without really getting any good hands except AK twice which got no action.
  5. im at table 506CrazyLeggs21$3560 right now
  6. I'm in table 506CrazyLeggs21
  7. thanks for the support guys.I'll take my $651 and be happy with my $610 profit.
  8. oh well.kept running into hands there.I like how they all talk sh*t cos I'm not sitting on my hands hoping to make a little bit more cash.
  9. Do you believe that I haven't had to show down one single hand at this table.And i've been sitting there for over an hour.
  10. Damn I love bluffing.LOL.I had A7 off there.
  11. Probably will be the latter of the 3.I'm pretty poor.Got in it by way of a 10+1 rebuy it cost me $41.I've already more than doubled my bankroll.LOLI have $256 in there right now.
  12. I had 67 of clubs on that hand where I re-raised obi-one.LOL.and I flopped 2 pair.Almost slow played it on the flop.But I thought better of it.Trying to avoid big suckouts
  13. Anyone else left?besides me$46Ktable 4
  14. $28,975 at break #3Still at table 4CrazyLeggs 21
  15. can't wait to see how I go out.25k table 4
  16. I know it was a bad move on my part there.
  17. up to 20K now.table #4SN:CrazyLeggs21
  18. $16250 at break #2.Still at table 4.Am I the only FCPer left?
  19. up to 15700 Out played a guy who I think had QQ when I had 1010.Then had a BB special,4 hands later had AK next hand had AA.
  20. holding strong at 8500 not getting much to play at all. During current Hold'em session you were dealt 100 hands and saw flop: - 7 out of 11 times while in big blind (63%) - 4 out of 11 times while in small blind (36%) - 6 out of 78 times in other positions (7%) - a total of 17 out of 100 (17%) Pots won at showdown - 5 of 6 (83%) Pots won without showdown - 9I've had AA,QQ,JJ and thats about it as far as good hands.Having to out play people to build chips.I'm at the same table as Gollum.He finished in last the top 3 last week he may have won it can't remember.He has like 2000 in chips.
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