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Everything posted by AKProdigy

  1. To make it simple:Player 1 - 50% equityPlayer 2 - 30% equityPlayer 3 - 20% equityPlayer 1 has 5$ invested (and covers)Player 2 goes all in for $20Player 3 goes all in for $40So a call would mean that his return = [(20*3)*(0.5)] (MAIN POT) + [(40-20)*2*(0.5/(0.5+0.2))] (SIDE POT) ~ 57-58 (too lazy to use a calc)Edit: Actually that's not exactly correct, because your assuming that the 2nd best hand has the same equity ranges, but best method of estimation without knowing the exact hand
  2. Your right, I had him on a range of TT+,AQ+ and hes about a 52-48 favourite (I thought i was a slight fav at 55-45), and a slight underdog if you throw in KQ in there as well. As i mentioned earlier though, I think his outs are taken away by SB, and if you put in a range for SB (basically a lot of combinations of face cards, plus TT+) SB's equity drops a lot, enough for me to make a call. I don't know, I think either way its marginal. As mtdesmoines mentioned, if we're behind we have no outs which is a huge factor.
  3. I kind of disagree. What range do you put him on? I think we're ahead of his range. I think he turns up AK much less than a set or overpair or even TPTK. It's the combined probability that one of them has the straight that makes this a tough call.
  4. Agreed, but it's only part of one of their ranges. My thinking was something like this on the spot:a ) I'm dominated by a straight, but even if I lose to UTG, as long as I'm ahead of SB on the river, its a breakeven call (neglecting EV, just saying win/loss on river)b ) If their both drawing, they take away each other's outs (i.e., sets, 2P, maybe FD (unlikely))c ) I'm inclined to think AK could possibly be a large part of SB's range, except TT+ is also likely here as well.
  5. It could be AK. His range could be anything preflop... he's limped into several pots and hasn't raised one. He's your typical loose passive player preflop.
  6. To be fair, the UTG has played one hand, so his aggression factor is irrelevant, and the other player is loose passive who's committed to going all in if he calls, so he shoved. I almost didn't want to include the aggression factors because I really don't think you can analyze this hand based on "low aggression factors means they have the goods" since the sample size is minimal and the stack sizes.I'm actually interested on the hand ranges you'd put both of them on.
  7. Table was pretty loose passive preflop... wasn't really paying too much attention other than that.small sample size but:UTG is 6/0/1 through 17SB is 71/0/0.1 through 17PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (5 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP ($59.35)Button ($28.15)SB ($19.60)Hero ($53)UTG ($26.60)Preflop: Hero is BB with 9 , 8 . UTG raises to $1, 1 fold, Button calls $1, SB calls $0.75, Hero calls $0.50.Flop: ($4) Q , J , T (4 players)SB checks, Hero bets $3, UTG raises to $11.5, Button folds, SB raises to $18.6, Hero?Snap call?
  8. Seeing how loose he is, I autocall this. Welcome to FCP
  9. bad beat forum around where the....?... bah i give up
  10. I was thinking the same thing.. lol.and uh BBFIDTS
  11. Makes sense. I think that's one part of my game I really have to improve... compensating for aggression factor. Thanks for the reply.
  12. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP ($33.45)CO ($11.15)Button ($48.05)SB ($37.60)BB ($30.25)Hero ($50.65)Preflop: Hero is UTG with 2 , 2 . Hero raises to $1, 4 folds, BB calls $0.75.Flop: ($2.10) 2 , 7 , 6 (2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $2, BB calls $2.Turn: ($6.10) K (2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $5.75, BB raises to $11.5, Hero calls $5.75.River: ($29.10) Q (2 players)BB bets $15.75 (All-In), Hero ?Villain is 54/11.5/0.45 through 80Okay first of all, I don't think villain knows what a semi-bluff is, and d
  13. Started playing cash again on a semi-regular basis. Right now 4-tabling 25 NL (kind of under my bankroll) until I get comfortable 6-tabling again and then plan to move up.April Goals:- Get comfortable 6-tabling- Get about 5k hands more under my belt at 25 NL- Move upto 50 NL and run > 5ptbb/100- +$600 overall - >12k handsWill be limited this month due to exams and such, hopefully will reach my hands goal
  14. If we're going to get our money in regardless, aren't we better off committing to check-calling his shove since we give him the chance to bluff inferior hands? If we shove, we're getting called by the straight and pretty much almost nothing we beat.
  15. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero ($42.40)CO ($26.15)Button ($23.10)SB ($25.60)BB ($28.30)UTG ($21.75)Preflop: Hero is MP with K , A . UTG calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.25, 1 fold, Button calls $1.25, 2 folds, UTG calls $1.Flop: ($4.10) A , 4 , K (3 players)UTG checks, Hero bets $3, Button calls $3, UTG folds.Turn: ($10.10) Q (2 players)Hero bets $8, Button calls $8.River: ($26.10) T (2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $10.85 (All-In), Hero ?Villain is 40/4/0.3Edit: Over ~70 hands I believe.. don't have
  16. Raise the flop.As played, I call the river. Don't know how you can fold for that good of a price.
  17. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (4 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero ($38.60)Button ($32.50)SB ($33.60)BB ($30.65)Preflop: Hero is UTG with K , A . Hero raises to $1, 1 fold, SB calls $0.90, BB calls $0.75.Flop: ($3) 7 , A , T (3 players)SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $2.5, SB calls $2.50, BB calls $2.50.Turn: ($10.50) 7 (3 players)SB checks, BB bets $9.5, Hero ?BB is 35/9/2.2 through 120SB is 56/1/1 through 60
  18. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (5 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)BB ($10.80)UTG ($26.40)MP ($24.75)Hero ($30.10)SB ($23.65)Preflop: Hero is Button with J , J . 2 folds, Hero raises to $1, SB calls $0.90, 1 fold.Flop: ($2.25) 8 , 8 , 9 (2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $1.5, SB calls $1.50.Turn: ($5.25) Q (2 players)SB checks, Hero checks.River: ($5.25) J (2 players)SB bets $4, Hero raises to?Do you shove here hoping to get called by the straight instead of a standard raise? Or do we like raising for value?Villain is 40/30/2.5 through 30
  19. Sorry, I meant to say as played to the river, meaning assuming I check-called the turn, I'd rather check the river than lead out, regardless of whether I fold or call since I'm committed if I lead out
  20. As played, if I lead river I'm committed. To me, on the river I'd rather C-C a shove then lead out since it gives him a chance to bluff (I didn't commit to calling on the river, but I checked to see if he'd shove or not).
  21. This is a straight enough times that you definitely make this call. If he has the higher flush, its a cooler.
  22. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (3 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero ($28.85)BB ($15)Button ($11.90)Preflop: Hero is SB with J , 7 . 1 fold, Hero raises to $1, BB calls $0.75.Flop: ($2) 8 , J , T (2 players)Hero bets $1.50, BB calls $1.50.Turn: ($5.00) 9 (2 players)Hero checks, BB bets $2, Hero calls $2.River: ($9.00) 3 (2 players)Hero checks, BB bets $10.50 (All-In), Hero ?Do you call the river shove? Is the C-C on the turn fine? I figured that I'm raising out hands that bluff me on the river, while keeping the hands that beat me around.
  23. That's generally what I do. I'm much more aggressive 4 handed since most players don't seem to adjust and blinds are pretty much there for the taking. I think the only minor change I'll make is coldcalling less (well almost never) with drawy hands (low PPs, SCs, etc.) since postflop play generally involves fewer players.
  24. As played, I like the check behind on the river. I probably raise the flop though, if more to define my hand than anything. An overcard on the turn would make this hand much more difficult to play. Does villlain limp/reraise often? Have you seen him minraise before?
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