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Everything posted by SilentSnow

  1. Breaking news! Trump announces his love for Kim Jong Un. https://www.breitbart.com/news/trump-says-he-and-kim-jong-un-in-love/ Strangely enough, Breitbartians are absolutely silent about this momentous event.
  2. “There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children. I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.” Ivanka Trump. Well that's awkward. Good thing thanksgiving is already over.
  3. I know right? Why can't these loser Dems let winner Republicans loot the country in peace?
  4. Is it even possible for right wingers to tell the truth any more? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/30/donald-trump/donald-trump-inaccurately-suggests-clinton-got-pai/ For an actual example of blatant corruption happening just this month, try looking into the 300 million Puerto Rico deal that was given to a company with just two(very well connected) employees.
  5. Trump sets a high standard, but he probably does get too much attention. There are other conservatives out there that need more of the spotlight. For example, American hero Bill O'Reilly. Some people are mad at God because their child died of cancer. O'Reilly is mad at God because he couldn't get away with continually sexually harassing women. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bill-o-apos-reilly-says-040248887.html
  6. When the truth has become a joke, you just might have a problem. Pretty sad that the Onion is the most honest and accurate news source regarding mass shootings. http://www.theonion.com/article/no-way-prevent-says-only-nation-where-regularly-ha-57086 http://www.theonion.com/article/nra-says-mass-shootings-just-unfortunate-price-pro-57094 http://www.theonion.com/article/americans-hopeful-will-be-last-mass-shooting-they--57093
  7. Juggalos heavily outnumber Trump supporters. Sad. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pro-trump-rally-sought-bring-190500017.html
  8. When racist rednecking goes wrong. http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-racist-white-woman-fight-video-filmed-in-coral-springs-9614851
  9. Trump lies yet again. Republicans don't care since it means billions more wasted on the military and bombing brown people. In other news, water is wet. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-afghanistan-troops_us_599b97abe4b0771ecb06bce2?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009 It does bring up a philosophical question though. Is there even a theoretically possible lie Trump could tell that would bother most Republicans?
  10. That's not what your link says. "driver was not acting maliciously, suggesting he was scared by the protesters on every side of his vehicle and he did not know what to do." ".spotted an African American individual hitting the car with what appears to be a baseball bat before the suspect hit the crowd with his vehicle. One such video posted to Streamable shows the driver slowing down, then accelerating quickly after his rear bumper is struck with the baseball bat." Reading through the posts showed a general agreement with this idea. I shouldn't even have to point out that this is i
  11. Seriously? Are you people insane? The video clearly shows Fields driving into a crowd of people at a high rate of speed. Nobody touches his bumper until he has nearly hit them. He did not accelerate after being hit. He was already going fast. It is also extremely unlikely that anyone had attacked him before the video started. Due to physics, Fields had to have been coming from the street behind him when the video started. After Fields backs up you can clearly see that that street is empty. You obviously see things differently, but rather than proving your point, your link indicates
  12. His car stopped because he hit another car. His intention was to kill a whole lot more.
  13. Lol. In this specific case your post is absolutely false. Almost immediately there was a video posted of the event. It is virtually certain that he was in no way under attack. You can clearly see that he came from an empty street and drove at high speed into the protesters. Lots of witnesses attested that it was premeditated and not incited in any way. This is why if you're going to commit murder you shouldn't do it in front of a huge crowd. But wannabee Nazis aren't exactly known for their high intelligence. https://streamable.com/wolj7 One mildly reassuring fact though is that there
  14. It's a little easier to find them when they are outright spewing Nazi slogans.
  15. A white supremacist terrorist murders someone. Trump refuses to blame them and uses the pathetic "both sides do it" excuse. This is hardly news. However, a few Republicans might be finally starting to grow a spine. We'll see if this is an aberration or the start of a trend. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/12/republican-lawmakers-encourage-trump-to-specifically-call-out-white-nationalists.html
  16. So Trump is already the least popular president ever after 6 months. This should help him get a little lower- https://www.thestreet.com/story/14237541/1/civil-forfeiture-trump-resurrects-an-ugly-practice-for-no-reason.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo
  17. That awkward moment when Trump both bows and curtsies, showing that Republicans are total hypocrites yet again. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/05/20/president-trump-slammed-as-hypocrite-for-bowing-to-the-saudi-king/22100809/
  18. It was the same type of voters and the same anti-elite sentiment. What makes them far different is the EV of the decision. Brexit has a reasonable chance to make Britain better off. The benefits of globalism and non-skilled immigration are heavily oversold. Trump is a completely different story. He is an incompetent egotist who is only good at conning people. There is no reasonable chance that Trump voters will be better off for voting for him. Even worse, they won't even get their revenge on the elites since Trump will break all his campaign promises* and heavily favor the wealthy.
  19. A complete non-response. Exactly what I expected. I will concede that reality can be strange. Republican power is increasing even as their intellectual/moral credibility drops to zero. Brexit and Trump are two very different things though. The brexit crowd had some legitimate grievances about the restrictions on British autonomy and favoritism towards the elites. However, Trump offers nothing but lies and an even worse world than the Elitist one that conservatives claim to hate. Trump will keep all of the corrupt elitism and then some, but will drop even the pretense that his actio
  20. Exactly the opposite. It is getting extremely difficult to argue that Trump has not been compromised by Russia. But I expect you to keep denying the obvious. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/security/reports/2016/12/21/295592/moscow-on-the-potomac/ What makes this most ironic is that one of the biggest criticisms of Obama's foreign policy was that he wasn't tough enough on Russia. Now we have a president that might as well be a Russian plant and there's barely a word of complaint. The hypocrisy would be mindboggling if you weren't familiar with Republican tactics.
  21. Don't be too hopeful. Democrats and Republicans are not at all the same. Almost no one thought that W would possibly be as bad as he turned out to be. Also, Obama had fanatical opposition from Republicans and couldn't do much for 6 of the 8 years without the House. In the first 2 years Obama made the huge mistake of trying to cooperate with Republicans. Trump is starting off with control of everything and won't even pretend to listen to the majority that voted against him.
  22. What is there to get? Conservative arguments about Hillary range from tendentious to ridiculous. I will agree that politics in the US is too corrupt in general. But if you were going to run an anti-corruption campaign it would have helped not to nominate one of the most corrupt people on the planet. As for predictions, Hillary 323. More importantly the democrats get 50 senate seats.
  23. Talk about a thankless job- Someone actually tried to document all of Trump's countless lies. https://www.thestar....s.html#analysis Republicans have hit on an ingenious strategy though. If you lie about virtually everything it is exhausting to try to refute them all.
  24. Announce that anyone who tries to defend Assad will be slaughtered. Let's see how much effort they put up defending him when we clearly are after only one person. Indiscriminate bombing is the most cowardly possible way to fight a war. Either precisely target the leaders or send in troops on the ground to actually give yourself a chance to catch them. Your proposal to just bomb people is a perfect demonstration of the sociopathy and racism that I'm talking about. Maybe you get off to murdering brown people with your phallic missiles and guns, but don't pretend you are in any way making the
  25. http://www.salon.com/2013/09/08/war_mongers_are_appalling_narcissists/ Replace the word narcissist with sociopath and that fairly accurately summarizes what I think about the Syrian situation. If we actually had proof that they used chemical weapons then the moral response would be to send in a military team to arrest Assad and try him for crimes against humanity. Indiscriminate bombing would solve nothing and is yet another indicator that we have become the evil empire, composed of far too many influential sociopaths.
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