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Everything posted by sandwedge

  1. Sorry this post is off topic, but I just stopped by, saw an old friend and wanted to say hey: Rob, how the hell have you been? Long time no see! Hope all is well and your still ripping your drives long and straight! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
  2. Dang, I miss the Sunday Million.
  3. Hi. I thought of you when I took this photo.
  4. RIP Christian. You made the world a brighter place.
  5. International Space Station, Solar Transit, 6/23/15
  6. I use a website called calsky.com. It predicts all passes, but is very useful in predicting transits of the Sun and Moon. You can get a general 2 day advance prediction that shows a line on Google Maps where you can be to photograph a transit. Click calsky.com > Satellites > Internat. Space Station ISS, then scroll down to "2 day map...". You can also set up your observing site and do predictions for up to 2 months, although the farther away the event, the less accurate the prediction. I can't really say how often it crosses in front of the Moon. I've had 4 opportunities since ea
  7. Here are some shots I took of the International Space Station crossing in front of the Moon. The station is about 250 miles high and travelling 17,500 mph. It took a half-second for it to transit the Moon. I'll link a video of it I shot also. The voice you hear is a college buddy of mine giving me a countdown to start firing the shutter on my camera (it crosses right after he gets to "30"... don't blink!). The station wasn't visible for this, so I used a transit prediction to know when to start the camera.
  8. Awe, Thanks for remembering!
  9. Haven't posted any shots in a while. Here are a few from this Spring: (Another plane and Moon shot - I like this one better than the other one I posted)
  10. Here's a shot I took yesterday:
  11. There was a thread on this 4 years ago. I still play it regularly, although I took a few months off. I've played over 4,000 ends ("matches"). I got on there tonight and thought, "maybe I'll head over to FCP and bump the old thread". Then, for the first time ever on that site, my opponent recognized my screen name, "sandwedgeFCP", and asked, "Full Contact?" Turned out to be a member who hasn't been around since 2012 (imagine that!).
  12. Sorry I haven't been around in a while. My internet access has been really poor for a while. Looked back in this thread and remembered that I almost got a shot similar to this back in May. I was watching an osprey that had caught a fish and flew away from me. I drove down the shoreline looking for him. I finally pulled off the road, and instead of looking at the lake,I looked straight forward. There he was, right in front of my car, on a sign. I only had time to take a couple of shots through my windshield before he flew off with his fish. It was only after he was gone that I realized that the
  13. I shot this with my Canon Rebel t2i and a Sigma 17-70 lens. It was shot at f/5, ISO 400, 15 seconds. For lightning shots, I try to expose and compose the shot first, and then its a matter of pressing the shutter release over and over. For example, I took a few shots of the bridge to get the exposure correct. Then I shot 20 second exposures over and over. If lightning strikes during that exposure, I'll usually end the exposure then, since light from the lightning has increased the exposure. That's why this one was only 15 seonds. Obviously, I use Bulb mode and a wired remote for this. THe
  14. Took this one early this morning when I got off work...
  15. I never add things to my images, but for the right amount, I could be persuaded. I'm thinking the eagle could be wearing an American flag bandana around its neck.
  16. Took this one yesterday morning:
  17. Sadly, I stand corrected. For anyone that's new (or has forgotten) this is the incident that they are talking about (warning: graphic injury photos included): http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-forum/index.php?showtopic=137185&hl=sandwedge&st=0 Thanks. That was a pretty special morning. The other lightning picture from above was taken about about an hour and a half earlier at the same spot. I followed the storm around Northeast Louisiana for a while, and gave up without getting any more shots. On the drive home, I saw the new storm brewing and returned to the lake. I
  18. Nice to know that the one thing people will remember me by on a poker forum is the time I hurt myself playing golf.
  19. ...and a couple more: Remember last June, when Venus transitted the Sun? Bald Eagle Not technically a great shot (lighting was bad and the image is heavilly cropped), but still one of my favorites. Eagle vs Hawk:
  20. Thanks. It's one of my favorites also. I had it enlarged to 20"x30" canvas gallery wrap, and it looked great. I ended up selling it to a facebook friend. Yes. I got back into photography a couple of years ago. I really enjoy nature and wildlife shots. I chase birds and storms around a lot now. Here are a few more: Iridium flare (about a 30 second exposure)
  21. Haven't been around much lately, but it's nice to see this thread. I'll contribute some of my photos for this thread.
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