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Everything posted by Tritz

  1. But what did he do after that?
  2. What happened to smash?I forgot all about him.
  3. Way to go Kram420, you douchebag, you managed to agitate the forum. There are now 20,000+ people who want you to go away and never return.
  4. Way to go ass hat you pissed him off. If he loses this tournament, I blame you.
  5. Way to go ass hat you pissed him off. If he loses this tournament, I blame you.
  6. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    No one is going to argue with that.
  7. Don't quote me but I think it's 1%, possibly split up between everyone.
  8. Tritz


    I can't live with out French Vanilla Cappuccino.
  9. In that case, have a good time in Vegas.
  10. Why can't you get any in Michigan?Hookers are bad news.Airport Security will not search your wallet unless you give them a reason to believe they have to.
  11. You didnt really finish the story...were they detained or what?
  12. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    beans check this out when you get a chance.. I just made this for the student pilotswww.ipreflight.com/airportsign.htm
  13. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    Thanks, I'll check that out.
  14. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    Beans did you hear about the GA user fees?
  15. Does that dancing cat make anyone else want to kill themselves?
  16. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    Yes, don't feel brilliant. I am a member of countless aviation forums.
  17. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    perhaps thats not a bad idea...EVERYONE WHO MAKES AN ACCOUNT AND 200 POSTS GETS THE FREE SOFTWARE THAT LETS YOU SEE THE FUTURE!beans just send me a PM letting me know your user name
  18. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    Hahahah, that makes me laugh.I'm headed to bed. I'll check for you tomorrow and give you the status.later.
  19. Tritz

    Brand New Forums.

    I wish I had a neighbor like you, because my neighbor hates me as well.
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