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About Inferno

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. Congrats on making it there, now take it down!
  2. I can't believe it but I'm still in at 50k
  3. I've been nursing a short stack for a long time now. At 11.7k at the break, hoping to double up very soon.
  4. Not out yet, but hovering around 9k
  5. This is my second time aswell, partly because I don't have the time but mostly because I don't have the roll.
  6. Out in 217 only one place off a seat in $3r sat though. Scratch that.... Won my seat into the Sunday million
  7. still just hanging in with 17k lol.On the bright side, I'm around 100k on the stars million $3r rebuy sat. 10 off the bubble =)
  8. Sucked out, KQ vs AQ. Up to 28k.
  9. Ya, still in it. Only 22k on the table though
  10. GG!16,165 at the break. not really getting any cards.
  11. Won a couple pots. Up to just under 17k
  12. I'm in, a little short at 7400. Hoping to get a hand a double up.
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