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Everything posted by HangukMiguk

  1. Well, the pros names on Full Tilt are obvious...likewise with Gus Hansen on pokerchamps.
  2. Oh, and to the guy who worries about Royal Vegas infecting your PC: Just get adaware. It's free, and it gets rid of all Microgaming spyware. I run it everytime I install a Prima client.http://www.lavasoft.com
  3. i'll be playing, but i'm still reppin the AJPoker...Love to you guys, but that's my league, and I will play for themBut the best of luck to FCP in the PFC...lol
  4. I was given an equation by the leader of my poker forum as we start up our second season of play. The equation is going to calculate who gets what amount of points in each tournament. So I pretty much got every aspect of the equation, save an NL variable. The NL stands for Natural Log. I have no idea what this is. Could someone help me out?
  5. Sometime in June I thinkI'm really psyched about this game...especially the Stacked Masters part of it.It'll tide me over until I can satellite into an event
  6. No one pays with cash anymore except for poker players I guess they think the WPT has ties with Al Qaeda now.
  7. And those were my thoughts exactly...I hated to hear every report from this standoff because there was no real good news in this one save that it ended
  8. You're right...sometimes I make the huge mistake of skipping words...and sometimes those are vital ones, in this case, INTERNATIONALso my bad, once again, my bad...
  9. What about the Oklahoma City bombing?What about the Unabomber (and no, I'm not talking about Phil Laak)?What about the Atlanta Olympics?What about the DC Sniper?What about the hostage situation at the school in Eastern Russia earlier this year?Don't get me wrong, I am on the same boat of political correctness being a load of crap. And I would've used the same example Daniel used. But please, get your facts straight.
  10. Yep it was me. That avatar so ticked me off...LONG LIVE BOWSER no not really
  11. Don't you sometimes wonder what would happen if Dr. Pepper really DID make the world taste better?
  12. Actually guys, I'm quite shocked. The DNS has already authenticated, and I can get the site to load. So you guys can check it out...I haven't made a decent format site for it yet...but I will soon.
  13. Ok, I promised I'd have link up today or tomorrow. Well, I had no idea that it was going to take at least another 3 days for the DNS to authenticate after it was activated. I'm still learning the nuances of my host's update service. I'll get it running soon enough.So, while the link will not be clickable at this point...I can still post it, because i know what the site is going to be. You will just have to keep checking until it's up and running. Then you can read through the full archive of the comic, so you're brought up to speed with what's going on, and be all happy inside.So here's t
  14. Still waiting on the site to be activatedI anticipated that it'll happen Sunday or Monday...hold on to your hats guys.I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  15. In case you didn't know, this was 4 posts about that and hijacked to talk about football....Forgive my eagerness :oops: now...continue with the big 12
  16. And Eddie senses the same pattern I'm sensing but i definitely concur there
  17. Oh for crying out loud. You guys are adults (or at least most of you); act like it. This is the reason why forums get shut down, for screwy little ego matches like this. And if this is all these two boards are gonna turn into, don't think that someone is NOT gonna shut them down, because they are.And since when did we become little soldiers for these boards? Did I hear Daniel send a call to arms out against 2+2? Did I hear Sklansky? NO. But still, idiots decide, "Hey, this should be cool. I'm gonna go act like an anonymous pansy and talk smack about everyone else that I run into." If t
  18. Good, now hurry up and draw some more comics. :-)Have no fear...I've done one a day (sometimes two) for the last week or so. It's going really good, and I've got a small group of people to give me feedback on it, and so far, it's gone over really well.So expect daily updates the moment it's online
  19. Well, I'm glad to see a good response to this post...It will go up on this thread when it's done...I will also have it in my sig.The site should be available in a week. The host has a policy where you don't get your password for a week or something. So, as soon as I have the entire archive up (which should, at the time, be only 17 or so comics), the link will be up.
  20. Yeah, I must say...I am completely wowed by this one.GET HER DANIEL...WE'RE ROOTING FOR YOU.And please tell me Lori reads the Journal...I think that's enough to do it right there.
  21. See, I think this is a bad idea altogether.From reading the blog, we all know that Daniel's gonna end up playing poker with the team the night before. And if they all lose to him, remember: they have blunt objects in the dugout.no? ok.
  22. someone needs to learn how to face confrontations head-oni'm not naming names...but i'm just saying... :roll:
  23. don't want people accusing me of spammingbelieve me, i've been on forums where i've gotten threads deleted for advertising stuff, whereas if i just say, "pm me for the link", they can care less.weird, i know...but that's just the way it goes...it's all about netiquette i guessbut...if it's all good...i'll just post it here when i get it
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